1 Dispatch and Routing Logic
2 Maps and Grids Zips vs. Full Street Breakdown. Methods of Route Planning Whirlpool Method vs. Flower Pedal Method. Planning of furthest vs. closest routes. Benefits of multiple PU and delivery plans. Dispatch and Routing Logic
3 Pickup Routing Logic Pickup routed based on grid or override logic in Customer Maintenance File. New customer or one with no grid routes to LOG route. Shippers from previous day’s calls can be automatically added to database(ob.csr #10). Customers can be automatically gridded (ib.maint # 72). Dispatch and Routing Logic
4 1) Break Bulk Route: Find route based on terminal set up in Destination Door File. 2) Inbond: Route by Bond Shed and appropriate route or default Bond Shed Rte. 3) To Carrier: If carrier is listed in the Street File it can be associated with a grid and routed with daily delivery routes or to a specific carrier route BARONE
5 4) If a pro, based on the Consignee’s customer number finds a match in the Customer File, it will use that grid number and find the route associated with that grid. 4
6 5) If a pro, based on the first 6 characters of the Consignee’s Name and first 6 characters of the Consignee’s Address finds a match in the Customer File, it will use that grid and find the route associated with that grid. 5
7 Customer Maintenance File: Match by Customer Number (4) or Customer Name (5) and then find the assigned Grid Number. 5 4
8 In the Grid Master File, Grid is assigned to Route SKO. This is done with the Short Grid Entry Program (ib.maint # 71) DEL Grid has a route and sequence associated with it.
9 6) To route a pro by city name, it will look for a record in the Street File that matches the city and zip/postal code combination for the pro’s consignee
10 7) Route by Pro Address: It will Route by matching consignee street name, zip code, and street number to a record in the Street File. 7
11 7) A match is found in Street File (below) with the corresponding Grid and the assigned Route. DEL Matching Street Name. Matching Zip or Postal Code. Street Number falls within Range. Assigned to Grid, which is assigned to Route.
12 8) To route the pro by zip code, it will find a match for the consignee’s zip or postal code to a record in the Street File. (Code entered is “ZIP”) 8 8 8
13 Conditions for Override Routing Logic include: Override Weight – above a certain weight (set in Control File) and a shipment will route to an override route. Customer Override Route – Certain customer requirements may call for them to be taken out of the regular geographical routing logic and assigned to another route. Override C.O.D. Amount – If a pro’s C.O.D. amount is above the limit set in the Control File, they can be routed to a Hold or Arrival Notify route until payment is assured. Accessorial Code – Delivery Codes have accessorial codes or keywords associated with them and can also be routed to an override route. (Example below) Credit Code – Certain credit codes in the Customer File may call for their freight to be routed out of the regular routing logic. (Ex: HLD – Hold route) Keyword Triggers Override Routing Logic.