Territories Maritimes B.C. Plains/Prairie Great Lakes & St. L
Canadian Regions identify the five regions of Canada and describe unique features of each -explain how landscape and climate have affected life in Canada -explain why Quebec and Ontario are Canada’s Heartland Pages 167-174
What does it mean? An old limerick goes…”There was an old man of Quebec, who was buried in snow to his neck, when asked, “Are you friz?”, he replied, ”Yes, I is. But we don’t call this cold in Quebec.” Canada is located in the high latitudes resulting in a much cooler climate overall. This combines with a spread out population has left the country divided into five distinct regions.
Define “Region” An area on the earth’s surface that is defined by certain unifying characteristics is a region. The unifying characteristics may be physical, human, or cultural. In addition to studying the unifying characteristics of a region, geographers study how a region changes over times. Using the theme of regions, geographers divide the world into manageable units for study. How can you use this perspective to understand Canada?
The Atlantic Provinces
The Atlantic Provinces Four Provinces: Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. Landforms part of the Appalachian Mountains – hills covered with mixed deciduous trees, thousands of lakes, small ponds – greatly impacted by glaciers (thin soil, strewn with rocks and boulders)
The Atlantic Provinces Called the Maritimes – linked to the sea Physical features of bays and inlets, excellent harbors Most residents live on the coast Smallest of all regions (5% of land, 10% of people) Key to historic settlement Grand Banks (fishing) Forestry, Farming Recent changes: Tourism, Defense Industry Poorest region (fewest resources)
The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Provinces
The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Provinces This is the core of Canada’s population – the heartland of Canada: Ontario and Quebec. Noted by three different land areas Canadian Shield (covers most of the region) Hudson Bay Lowlands (swampy region next to Hudson Bay) The St. Lawrence Lowlands (60% of the population of Canada lives here)
The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Provinces Connection to the Atlantic: Canal waterways link the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean Fertile Soils Excellent Location Abundant Resources 1/3rd of Canada’s largest businesses have main office in Toronto – Capital of Ontario and largest city in Canada (4.7 million people)
The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Provinces Quebec is Canada’s largest province. Largest city is Montreal – Canada’s second largest city
The Prairie Provinces
The Prairie Provinces “Grains and Trains dominate the Landscape” The Provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba are the Prairie Provinces. Located between the Rocky Mountains and the Canadian Shield Long associated with wheat growing, but there is more… Greater than 50% of the population lives in the few cities (located near railroads – Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon, and Regina)
The Prairie Provinces “Grains and Trains dominate the Landscape” Provides Canada with most of its grain and cattle Tourism is also important (towards the Rocky Mountains) Discovery of oil in Alberta helped strengthen cities like Calgary and Edmonton
British Colombia
British Colombia Unlike any other province in Canada Covered in mountain ranges – 4/5th of the population lives near Vancouver. Many resources including minerals, fish, and forests. Victoria is other key city Trade with Asia has helped this province develop own identity VANCOUVER
Northern Territories
The Northern Territories Composed of Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavat Cold, treeless, sparsely settled – home to fewer than 1% of Canada’s people. Most people live near the Mackenzie River, Arctic coastline. Stark, distinctive beauty Native People – Inuit “the people” Resources are in the region – but difficult to reach.
New “Nunavut” Created in 1999, this new territory is populated by less than 30,000 people, Yet occupies nearly 20% of Canada’s landmass.
Conclusions How do the physical characteristics of the country make it difficult to unite? Are there noticeable weak points to the regions of Canada? How do physical features influence economic activity (shaping the regions boundaries)?