Project Manager- Yu Xia Li Project Manager Assistant- Melissa Monserrate Data Modeler Assistant- Natalie Torres Data Modeler- Janni Ramirez Our mission is to help keep the environment safe and cause less damage to Earth by using biofuels. United States Andrew Woodbridge Reducing your Impact
ABOUT US Green Energy is an established biofuel producer and marketer. We sell the most efficient biofuel not only here in the United States, but also around the world. Our company is divide into the 7 continent: North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, central America, and Australia. Some of the countries we are located in are: Japan, Russia, China, India, Canada, and Mexico. We are currently the leader of the Green Energy Revolution, which is a group of companies that has come together to help the environment. We are the largest producers of pure biofuels in the country. Our company buys the oil online and make trips to different restaurants to collect grease and bring it back to the company. Our company and transportation are power by our biofuel. We buy our equipments online from the biodiesel solutions. Our fuel can be used in conventional engines with no equipment modifications. We produce our fuel from soy, cottonseed, canola oil, and from animal fats. We apply the best technology to assure consistent, high quality fuel that meets our costumer's standards.
What is Biofuel? Our biofuel represents a clean burning alternative fuel, produced from renewable sources. Biodiesel contains no petroleum, although it can be combined with petroleum diesel to create a biodiesel blend. It can be used in standard diesel engines or generators with little or no modifications. Biodiesel is simple to use, biodegradable, nontoxic, essentially free of sulfur and aromatics and can significantly reduce life cycle CO2 emissions.
The environment is being damaged by chemicals, pollution and other issues. Global Warming is increasing because we are not taking care of our planet. By creating an Entity Relationship Diagram we organized how our Biofuel is reducing the amount of damage done to the earth. We plan on supplying the transportation and power generation markets to help reduce the Carbon Footprint in the world. Problem Solution
Procedural Business Rules Prices of raw material must be recorded and the date it is brought and where. We are opened Mondays through Fridays from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm and on Saturdays from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. Is closed on Sundays and main holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving. Our company buys the oil online and make trips to different restaurants to collect grease and bring it back to the company. Our company and transportation are power by our biofuel. Equipments are brought online from the Biodiesel solutions. Biofuel prices are based on location and time.
Structural Business Rules We keep track of suppliers and buyers company name, phone number, and we also assign each company an id. Each buyer need to give us they address. Each supplier website must be recorded. Each buyer and supplier log need to include price, amount brought/sold and date brought/sold. For every employee we keep track of their address, name, phone number, and salary. Sales personnel by their employee IDs. Each sales region has a unique region id. Each continent is then divided into sales districts. Each district has a unique district id.
Structural Business Rules (Cont…) Each district is made up of sales territories. Each sales territory is broken down into sales areas. Each territories and sale area have unique id. Each salesperson is responsible for one or more sales areas and has a specific sales quota. Each sales manager is responsible for the territories with his/her districts. Sales personnel by their employee IDs. Sales directors are responsible for one or more sales regions. Each sale person keep track of the biofuel being brought.
BIOFUEL FACTORY #name *address *telephone * BIOFUEL SUPPLIER *name ◦website *phone number #id * BIOFUEL BUYER *name *address *phone number #id * BUYER LOG *date sold *price *amount sold SUPPLIER LOG *date brought *price *amount brought SALE REGION #code SALEPERSON *specific sales quota #employee ID *name *address *phone number *salary SALE AREA #id TERRITORY #id SALE DISTRICT #id SALE MANAGER #employee ID *name *address *phone number *salary SALE DIRECTOR #employee ID *name *address *phone number *salary receive biofuel from send biofuel to be divided into belong to be responsible for be the responsibil i ty of be responsible for be the responsibil i ty of be responsible for be the responsibil i ty of be on be for be on be for WAREHOUSE #id *address *telephone SHIPPING COMPANY #name *address *phone number deliver the product to send product to a receive product from receive product from a