Sex Trafficking amongst Children in California: A call for Public Awareness and Prevention Federal Bureau of Investigation F.B.I Mireya Hernandez Sex Trafficking Advocate
Sex Trafficking in California is a Problem Becoming a Prevalent crime Becoming a Prevalent crime Eludes Children of Basic Human Rights Eludes Children of Basic Human Rights Over 50 % are minors Over 50 % are minors
Top 3 child sex trafficking areas in CA: San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego (CAS, 2013) Image 1
The Roots Hopes of a better future Hopes of a better future Supply and Demand Supply and Demand $32 billion a year global industry $32 billion a year global industry
The Aftermath Children's life's are being cut short Children's life's are being cut short Psychological, physical and sexual abuse Psychological, physical and sexual abuse Substance Addictions Substance Addictions Deprived from their Childhood Deprived from their Childhood Image 2
Proposed Solutions Building awareness Building awareness Really understanding the issue at hand Really understanding the issue at hand Obama Speech Obama Speech Treat the Victims as what they are Treat the Victims as what they are
Conclusions & Recommendations Critical Issue Critical Issue New form of slavery New form of slavery Exploitation Exploitation Raise Awareness through the media Raise Awareness through the media Enhanced Task force training Enhanced Task force training Image 3
Images Image 1: index/Pages/250k_index.aspx Image 1: index/Pages/250k_index.aspxhttp:// index/Pages/250k_index.aspxhttp:// index/Pages/250k_index.aspx Image 2: dark-side-of-paradise-hawaiis-human-trafficking-and- sex-trafficking-epidemic/ Image 2: dark-side-of-paradise-hawaiis-human-trafficking-and- sex-trafficking-epidemic/ dark-side-of-paradise-hawaiis-human-trafficking-and- sex-trafficking-epidemic/ dark-side-of-paradise-hawaiis-human-trafficking-and- sex-trafficking-epidemic/ Image 3: Image 3:
References Aguilera, E. (2013). The San Diego Union Tribune. Retrieved from experts- advocates-sex-labor/ Aguilera, E. (2013). The San Diego Union Tribune. Retrieved from experts- advocates-sex-labor/ experts- advocates-sex-labor/ experts- advocates-sex-labor/ Angell, I. (2013, August 5). San Francisco Works to End Child Sex Trafficking. KQED News. Retrieved from human- trafficking/ Angell, I. (2013, August 5). San Francisco Works to End Child Sex Trafficking. KQED News. Retrieved from human- trafficking/ Bengs, P. (2007). Human Trafficking in California. Retrieved from Bengs, P. (2007). Human Trafficking in California. Retrieved from CAS (2012). What is Human Trafficking?. Retrieved from Human-Trafficking-Fact-Sheet.pdf CAS (2012). What is Human Trafficking?. Retrieved from Human-Trafficking-Fact-Sheet.pdfhttp:// Human-Trafficking-Fact-Sheet.pdfhttp:// Human-Trafficking-Fact-Sheet.pdf Jones, R. (2013). CBS Sacramento. Sacramento 2nd Worst City In U.S. Among Human Trafficking. Retrieved from Jones, R. (2013). CBS Sacramento. Sacramento 2nd Worst City In U.S. Among Human Trafficking. Retrieved from Harris, K. D. (2013). Human Trafficking in California. State of California Department of Justice. Retrieved from Harris, K. D. (2013). Human Trafficking in California. State of California Department of Justice. Retrieved from Kotrla, K. (2010). Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking in the United States. Social Work, 55(2), Kotrla, K. (2010). Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking in the United States. Social Work, 55(2), Villacorte, C. (2013). Sex With A Minor Penalty In California Currently $1,000, LA Officials Hope To Increase To $10,000. Retrieved from california_n_ htmlVillacorte, C. (2013). Sex With A Minor Penalty In California Currently $1,000, LA Officials Hope To Increase To $10,000. Retrieved from california_n_ htmlhttp:// california_n_ htmlhttp:// california_n_ html Zimmerman, C & Stockl, H. (2012). Understanding and addressing violence against women. Human Trafficking. World Health Organization. Retrieved from C & Stockl, H. (2012). Understanding and addressing violence against women. Human Trafficking. World Health Organization. Retrieved from