Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Professional Development Series Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64 (updated 12/05/14) CAP Emergency Services - An Overview of Missions, Content and Process.
Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Professional Development Series Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64 CAP Emergency Services Emergency Services is one of the Three Primary Missions of Civil Air Patrol The goal of this presentation is to make all members aware of The Evolving Civil Air Patrol Emergency Services Mission The Emergency Services Training and various activities and qualifications available to CAP Members The initial requirements, prerequisites, skills requirements, and mission activities to meet the Emergency Services Training Requirements
Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Professional Development Series Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64 The Evolving Mission The ES Mission of CAP has continuously evolved since its organization in During its long history, CAP has flown over 90% of all the domestic Air Search and Rescue Missions in the continental US for downed aircraft and active Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELT). Since that time, because of increases in natural disasters, foreign and domestic terrorism, and expanding domestic illegal drug operations, CAP is now flying additional missions in the following areas and related Federal Agencies. FEMA - Disaster Reconnaissance and Disaster Relief Homeland Security – Counterdrug Operations, Border Incursion Evaluations Very soon, additional mission-specific ES qualifications will be added in these new areas.
Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Professional Development Series Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Application and Training for ES Mission Qualifications The application for training in any ES Qualification is contained in eServices under My Operations Qualifications.My Operations Qualifications The electronic tool for the process is the Specialty Qualification Training Record (SQTR). Each participating member is expected to create and track their own SQTRs for each qualification.
Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Professional Development Series Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Creating your SQTRSQTR There are as many as 7 parts to any particular SQTR, which vary by specialty: 1.General Prerequisites 2.Command Approval for Prerequisites 3.Familiarization and Preparation 4.Command Approval for Familiarization and Preparation 5.Advanced Training 6.Exercise Participation 7.Continuing Education For an exhaustive study of requirements for each Specialty, please visit the Emergency Service Tour on the Squadron 64 Web page: Service Tour
Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Professional Development Series Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64 General Prerequisites These are the items required before any individual can begin training toward any ES Qualification. General Emergency Services Training (GES) – Required for every ES qualification Age Eligibility (Certain, but not all, qualifications require the senior or cadet member to be over 18 or over 21. This requirement is included in each SQTR) Introductory Communications User Training (ICUT) – required for all qualifications associated with Communications. The location of the GES training is at materials/ materials/ The location of the ICUT training is at (Requires eServices Login)
Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Professional Development Series Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Command Approval for Prerequisites Once the prerequisites are complete, the SQTR is forwarded to your Unit Commander for approval to continue with your Familiarization and Preparation if required.
Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Professional Development Series Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Familiarization and Preparation...varies by qualification, or in some rare cases, is omitted entirely. It can include completion of between one and several specific training tasks, evaluation of specific prior knowledge of the subject or function, completion of training and testing for ICS examinations, or availability of specific equipment. Demo SQTR for UDF
Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Professional Development Series Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Command Approval for Fam & Prep As with prerequisites, completed Fam and Prep is forwarded to your Unit Commander for approval to continue to your Advanced Training. The (*) preceding your qualification on your 101 card is the indicator that you are qualified and eligible to participate in a SAREX or other approved training exercise. This does not apply to local non-approved exercises where command approval is not required but recommended. Fam and prep can be accomplished on local exercises.
Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Professional Development Series Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64
Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Professional Development Series Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Advanced Training...contains tasks that are specific to each qualification, and is included within the CAP publications for each specialty Aircrew and Flightline Tasks Ground and UDF Tasks Mission Base Staff Tasks Specific ICS (Indident Command System) training related to each Qualification (IS-100, IS-200, etc) These documents can be purchased through Vanguard, or may be downloaded from these sites: Aircrew – Ground/UDF – Mission Base -
Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Professional Development Series Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64 ICS Classes – are done online or in a classroom setting and are generally included in the task listings in advanced training IS-100, IS-700 (Online) IS-100IS-700 IS-200, IS-800 (Online) IS-200IS-800 ICS-300 (Classroom, contact your Unit ES Officer for dates and locations) ICS-400 (Classroom, contact your Unit ES Officer for dates and locations) The specific requirements are listed in the SQTR for each qualification. It is highly recommended that these be completed before finishing your field and mission training. Failure to do so will delay the approval of your qualification. Once a class is completed it is applied to all SQTRs that need the same requirement. It is non necessary to retake any classes.
Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Professional Development Series Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Exercise Participation Every qualification requires a minimum participation in two qualification-specific exercises. Renewal of a qualification requires only one qualification- specific exercise. Certain higher level tasks (Section Chief and above) require additional exercise or mission participation as deemed by the task evaluator.
Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Professional Development Series Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Continuing Education The only item in continuing education is the completion of one of the CAPT 117 ES Continuing Education Exams. There are three, each associated with specific qualification areas. It is highly recommended that these exams be taken concurrently with the Fam & Prep examination requirements. Failure to do so may delay your qualification approval.
Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Professional Development Series Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64 CAPT 117 ES Continuing Education Exams Part 1 – Required for: GTM, GTL, UDF, CISM Part 1 Part 2 -- Required for: Aircrews and Flightline Part 2 Part 3 -- Required for: IC, LO, PSC, LSC, FASC, AOBD, GBD, PIO, CUL, MRO, MSO, MSA Part 3
Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Professional Development Series Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64 For Additional Information......please contact any of your Unit Emergency Services Officers, Professional Development Officers or your Unit Commander.
Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Professional Development Series Prepared By Capt. Robert D Sears, Brackett Composite Squadron 64 Questions?