Video Chat Prototype Created by: Centennial College
Overview The Video chat system is being developed at the request of NexJ Systems for use in their Connected Wellness platform. The development team consists of Kevin Polson, Paul Millar, and Gregory Chungath. The central idea of the project is to develop a multi- purpose communication system using HTML 5 standards of web development. Main functions of the system include video, audio, text, and photo transmission.
Benefits The main benefit of using HTML 5 standards is that the end user will not have to install anything on their computer, unlike with Skype. Another benefit is it will function on nearly every platform that exists, eventually, including mobiles, laptops, desktops, tablets.
Current Functions At this stage in the project, functionality includes: Video/audio calling between 2 recipients Text based chat Transmission of photos and other types of files.
Current Prototype Interface
Future Goals of the Project We are in talks with NexJ to determine the next stages in development, but it will likely include: Conference calls with large numbers of recipients. Accessibility features such as text to voice and vice versa. Customizable interface for easier use by different users.