Celeste and Mackenzi
History Appeared with the first dinosaurs (200 million yrs ago) Were evolved from burrowing lizards Are grouped within the suborder Serpentines in Linnean Taxonomy Class of Herpetology
Description Are flexible, Scaly, Elongate, Legless Aquatic usually have flat bodies Can come in many colors & are related to there habitat They have no eyelids Have poor hearing & limited vision
Housing & Equipment Should have its living space ready before bringing it home Have it escape proof Easy to clean ¾ square feet per foot of snake One side of the cage should be F. Other side should be F
Corn Snake Lives in overgrown fields, forest openings, trees Found throughout Southeast America, New Jersey, & Texas 24 to 72 inches long
Bullsnake Lives in open grassland & open woodlands Found Mid – Western united states, Louisiana, & Kansas 48 to 72 inches
Cottonmouth Lives in wetlands, lakes, ponds, ect. Found in Carolina 38 to 40 inches
Copperhead Lives in many different types of habitats Found in the eastern parts of the U.S Most common venomous snake 24 to 36 inches
Black mamba The Black Mamba is the most deadly snake in the world. lay 6-17 eggs Are 14 feet in length And lives in South Africa.
Found in California and Arizona. Can be nocturnal if it is really hot clutches of 20 or more eggs out. California king snake
Blue lipped sea krait length up to 120 cm From the Indian Ocean 2-4 eggs in a clutch Fangs are medium size
Anaconda Longest snake in the world Water and land snake
Feeding procedure & Variety of food Snakes are carnivores they eat meat and only meat. When you feed your snakes make sure you have a sprat box to feed the snake in so when you put your hand into its cage it doesn't attack you. You can us live bate or dead it depends on the snake. When the snake is done eating try not to handle it to much only from out of the box and to the cage because it can cause regurgitation.
Reproduction eptiles-animals/snakes/anaconda_breedingball/ eptiles-animals/snakes/anaconda_breedingball/ This is a video on mating..
Training & Supplies needed Snakes don’t need training be sides knows not to bit and who there owners are. And no supplies needed
Snakes can have up to or maybe three heads Deformities