Mariner Speech & Debate Club Meeting #2 Tuesday, October 16 th
What is an argument? 0 An argument is an exchange of different or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one. 0 Example “I thought Saw IV was a great movie” “Are you kidding? That movie was a piece of junk”
What is a Debate? 0 A formal argument on a chosen topic in which opposing views are presented. 0 Types of Debate 0 Lincoln Douglas Debate- one on one debate inspired by the senatorial debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas in Parliamentary (Team) Debate- a form of debate in which two teams or two or more speakers argue for and against a selected topic. Each speaker presents arguments with evidence to support his or her team’s belief.
Affirmative and Negative Teams 0 Affirmative team argues in FAVOR of change in the status quo 0 Negative team argues AGAINST changing the status quo 0 Example- Should the California High School Exit Exam be used to determine if a student is eligible to graduate from high school? 0 Affirmative Team? 0 Negative Team?
What is Evidence? 0 A body of facts or information offered as proof that a belief or statement is true 0 Types of evidence 0 Statistics 0 Quotes from experts 0 Personal experiences 0 Anecdotal (stories) 0 Studies 0 Surveys
Using Evidence to Support an Argument 0 Why do we use evidence? 0 The source must be an expert in the subject area 0 The source should be free from bias 0 The evidence should be recent
Presumption 0 The notion that one team’s position is initially favored over the other team. 0 The NEGATIVE team in a debate has the benefit of presumption in a debate.
Burden of Proof 0 The team not enjoying presumption (Affirmative Team) must present sufficient reasons to overcome that presumption. 0 The Burden of Proof allows the AFFIRMATIVE team to start and end the debate
Burden of Rejoinder 0 Clash refers to the act of engaging your opponent’s arguments directly 0 In debate, arguments not clashed with are conceded 0 Teams must respond to the opponents arguments or there is no debate.
What topic would you like to debate about this year? 0 Jobs and the economy 0 Nuclear affairs between US and Middle East 0 Health care 0 Censorship of Internet 0 Education- financial aid for college 0 College admissions 0 Gay marriage 0 Freedom of speech 0 Privatize military; FBI; police force; school system 0 Right to bear arms 0 Revert to Gold standard? 0 Change driving age? Change drinking age? 0 Religion and public school- pledge of allegiance 0 Race important when being accepted to colleges 0 Stem cell research 0 Eliminate minimum wage 0 Limiting number of hours of homework 0 Death penalty 0 Euthanasia 0 Eliminate Medicare 0 Illegal immigrant rights 0 End drug war 0 Taxes of the upper class
Next Meeting… 0 We will see a video of a debate 0 Learn about the different speakers in a debate and their responsibilities. 0 NEXT MEETING WILL BE next TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23 rd during LUNCH- Location TBD