Class 7 Portfolio Analysis
Risk and Uncertainty n Almost all business decisions are made in the face of risk and uncertainty. n So far we have side-stepped the issue of risk and uncertainty, except to say that investments with greater risk should have higher required returns. n A full consideration of risk and uncertainty requires a statistical framework for thinking about these issues.
Random Variables n A random variable is a quantity whose outcome is not yet known. The high temperature on next July 1st. The total points scored in the next Super Bowl. The rate of return on the S&P500 Index over the next year. The cash flows on an investment project being considered by a firm.
Probability Distributions n A probability distribution summarizes the possible outcomes and their associated probabilities of occurrence. Probabilities cannot be negative and must sum to 1.0 across all possible outcomes. Example: Tossing a fair coin. Outcome Probability Heads 50% Tails 50%
Summary Statistics n Mean or Average Value Measures the expected outcome. n Variance and Standard Deviation Measures the dispersion of possible outcomes. n Covariance and Correlations Measures the comovement of two random variables.
Calculating the Mean n Means or expected values are useful for telling us what is likely to happen on average. n The mean is a weighted average. List the possible outcomes. For each outcome, find its probability of occurrence. Weight the outcomes by their probabilities and add them up.
Calculating the Mean n The formula for calculating the mean is:
Calculating the Mean Example n Suppose we flip a coin twice. The possible outcomes are given in the table below.
Properties of Means n E(a) = a where a is constant n E(X+Y) = E(X) + E(Y) n E(aX) = aE(X)
Calculating the Variance and Standard Deviation n The variance and standard deviation measure the dispersion or volatility. n The variance is a weighted average of the squared deviations from the mean. Subtract the mean from each possible outcome. Square the difference. Weight each squared difference by the probability of occurrence and add them up. n The standard deviation is the square root of the variance.
Calculating the Variance and Standard Deviation n The formulas for calculating the variance and standard deviation are:
Calculating Variance and Standard Deviation Example n What is the variance and standard deviation of our earlier coin tossing example? n
Properties of Variances n var(a) = 0 where a is constant n var(aX) = a 2 var(X) n var(a+X) = var(X) n var(X+Y) = var(X)+var(Y)+2cov(X,Y) n var(aX+bY) = a 2 var(X)+b 2 var(Y) +2ab[cov(X,Y)]
Probability Distribution Graphically Both distributions have the same mean. One distribution has a higher variance.
Covariance and Correlation n The covariance and correlation measure the extent to which two random variables move together. If X and Y, move up and down together, then they are positively correlated. If X and Y move in opposite directions, then they are negatively correlated. If movements in X and Y are unrelated, then they are uncorrelated.
Calculating the Covariance n The formula for calculating the covariance is:
Calculating the Correlation n The correlation of two random variables is equal to the covariance divided by the product of the standard deviations. n Correlations range between -1 and 1. Perfect positive correlation: XY = 1. Perfect negative correlation: XY = -1. Uncorrelated: XY = 0.
Calculating Covariances and Correlations n Consider the following two stocks:
Properties of Covariances n cov(X+Y,Z) = cov(X,Z) + cov(Y,Z) n cov(a,X) = 0 n cov(aX,bY) = ab[cov(X,Y)]
Risk Aversion n An individual is said to be risk averse if he prefers less risk for the same expected return. n Given a choice between $C for sure, or a risky gamble in which the expected payoff is $C, a risk averse individual will choose the sure payoff.
Risk Aversion n Individuals are generally risk averse when it comes to situations in which a large fraction of their wealth is at risk. Insurance Investing n What does this imply about the relationship between an individual’s wealth and utility?
Relationship Between Wealth and Utility Utility Function Utility Wealth
Risk Aversion Example n Suppose an individual has current wealth of W 0 and the opportunity to undertake an investment which has a 50% chance of earning x and a 50% chance of earning -x. Is this an investment the individual would voluntarily undertake?
Risk Aversion Example
Implications of Risk Aversion n Individuals who are risk averse will try to avoid “fair bets.” Hedging can be valuable. n Risk averse individuals require higher expected returns on riskier investments. n Whether an individual undertakes a risky investment will depend upon three things: The individual’s utility function. The individual’s initial wealth. The payoffs on the risky investment relative to those on a riskfree investment.
Diversification: The Basic Idea n Construct portfolios of securities that offer the highest expected return for a given level of risk. n The risk of a portfolio will be measured by its standard deviation (or variance). n Diversification plays an important role in designing efficient portfolios.
Measuring Returns n The rate of return on a stock is measured as: n Expected return on stock j = E(r j ) n Standard deviation on stock j = j
Measuring Portfolio Returns n The rate of return on a portfolio of stocks is: n x j = fraction of the portfolio’s total value invested in stock j. x j > 0 is a long position. x j < 0 is a short position. j x j = 1
Measuring Portfolio Returns n The expected rate of return on a portfolio of stocks is: n The expected rate of return on a portfolio is a weighted average of the expected rates of return on the individual stocks.
Measuring Portfolio Risk n The risk of a portfolio is measured by its standard deviation or variance. n The variance for the two stock case is: or, equivalently,
Minimum Variance Portfolio n Sometimes we are interested in the portfolio that gives the smallest possible variance. We call this the global minimum-variance portfolio. n For the two stock case, the global minimum variance portfolio has the following portfolio weights:
Two Asset Case
n We want to know where the portfolios of stocks 1 and 2 plot in the risk-return diagram. n We shall consider three special cases: 12 = -1 12 = 1 12 < 1
Perfect Negative Correlation n With perfect negative correlation, 12 = -1, it is possible to reduce portfolio risk to zero. n The global minimum variance portfolio has a variance of zero. The portfolio weights for the global minimum variance portfolio are:
Perfect Negative Correlation
Example n Suppose you are considering investing in a portfolio of stocks 1 and 2. n Assume 12 = -1. What is the expected return and standard deviation of a portfolio with equal weights in each stock?
Example n Expected Return n Standard Deviation
Example n What are the portfolio weights, expected return, and standard deviation for the global minimum variance portfolio? n Portfolio Weights
Example n Expected Return n Standard Deviation
Perfect Positive Correlation
n With perfect positive correlation, 12 = 1, there are no benefits to diversification. This means that it is not possible to reduce risk without also sacrificing expected return. n Portfolios of stocks 1 and 2 lie along a straight line running through stocks 1 and 2.
Perfect Positive Correlation n With perfect positive correlation, 12 = 1, it is still possible to reduce portfolio risk to zero, but this requires a short position in one of the assets. n The portfolio weights for the global minimum variance portfolio are:
Example n Consider again stocks 1 and 2. n Assume now that 12 = 1. What is the expected return and standard deviation of an equally- weighted portfolio of stocks 1 and 2?
Example n Expected Return n Standard Deviation
Example n What are the portfolio weights, expected return, and standard deviation of the global minimum variance portfolio? n Portfolio Weights
Example n Expected Return n Standard Deviation
Non-Perfect Correlation
n With non-perfect correlation, -1< 12 <1, diversification helps reduce risk, but risk cannot be eliminated completely. n Most stocks have positive, but non-perfect correlation with each other. n The global minimum variance portfolio will have a lower variance than either asset 1 or asset 2 if: < where
Example n Consider again stocks 1 and 2. n Assume now that 12 =.25. What is the expected return and standard deviation of an equally-weighted portfolio of stocks 1 and 2?
Example n Expected Return n Standard Deviation
Example n What are the portfolio weights, expected return, and standard deviation of the global minimum variance portfolio? n Portfolio Weights
Example n Expected Return n Standard Deviation
Multiple Assets n The variance of a portfolio consisting of N risky assets is calculated as follows:
Limits to Diversification n Consider an equally-weighted portfolio. The variance of such a portfolio is:
Limits to Diversification n As the number of stocks gets large, the variance of the portfolio approaches: n The variance of a well-diversified portfolio is equal to the average covariance between the stocks in the portfolio.
Limits to Diversification n What is the expected return and standard deviation of an equally-weighted portfolio, where all stocks have E(r j ) = 15%, j = 30%, and ij =.40?
Limits to Diversification Market Risk Total Risk Firm-Specific Risk Portfolio Risk, Number of Stocks Average Covariance
Examples of Firm-Specific Risk n A firm’s CEO is killed in an auto accident. n A wildcat strike is declared at one of the firm’s plants. n A firm finds oil on its property. n A firm unexpectedly wins a large government contract.
Examples of Market Risk n Long-term interest rates increase unexpectedly. n The Fed follows a more restrictive monetary policy. n The U.S. Congress votes a massive tax cut. n The value of the U.S. dollar unexpectedly declines relative to other currencies.
Efficient Portfolios with Multiple Assets E[r] 0 Asset 1 Asset 2 Portfolios of Asset 1 and Asset 2 Portfolios of other assets Efficient Frontier Minimum-Variance Portfolio
Efficient Portfolios with Multiple Assets n With multiple assets, the set of feasible portfolios is a hyperbola. n Efficient portfolios are those on the thick part of the curve in the figure. They offer the highest expected return for a given level of risk. n Assuming investors want to maximize expected return for a given level of risk, they should hold only efficient portfolios.
Common Sense Procedures n Hold a well-diversified portfolio. n Invest in stocks in different industries. n Invest in both large and small company stocks. n Diversify across asset classes. Stocks Bonds Real Estate n Diversify internationally.