Your First Job: Certification, Licensure Patrick J. Ivory, MPAS, M.Ed., PA-C
Governing Boards State Board of Medicine Supervising Physician: M.D. State Board of Osteopathic Medicine Supervising Physician: D.O.
Utilization Hospital and long term care facility –Review Bylaws –Obtain facility credentials Emergency Room (direct supervision required) First Assist at surgery Moonlighting House Calls Industrial sites
Satellite Location State Board of Medicine - Separate approval -Area of medical need -M.D. reviews all patient records State Board of Osteopathic Medicine -Separate approval -D.O. can only have one satellite location -D.O. sees adult patients every 5 th visit, infant to 2 year olds every 3 rd visit, age 2-18 year olds every other visit -PA in main office for one year
Satellite Location – MD Board supervising physician must “Review directly with patient, the progress of patient’s care as needed based upon patient’s medical condition and prognosis or as requested by patient.” In other words, physician is given latitude to determine when patient needs to be seen unless requested by patient. supervising physician must “visit the satellite location at least once every 10 days and devote enough time onsite to provide supervision and personally review records of selected patients seen by the physician assistant in this setting. Supervising physicians shall notate those records as “reviewed.”
Primary Supervisor Obtain approval from respective board Assumes full medical and legal responsibility for PA –Oversight and personal direction of, and responsibility for, the medical services rendered by a physician assistant –An appropriate degree of supervision includes: (A) Active and continuing overview of the physician assistant's activities to determine that the physician's directions are being implemented B) Immediate availability of the supervising physician to the physician assistant for necessary consultations. (C) Personal and regular review within 10 days by the supervising physician of the patient records upon which entries are made by the physician assistant.
Primary Supervisor (con’t) Reviews all PA records –Require that the supervising physician shall countersign the patient record completed by the physician assistant within a reasonable amount of time. This time period may not exceed 10 days.
Alternate Supervisor Assume full medical and legal responsibility for PA when primary supervisor is away MD/DO mixed group - If DO supervising, can not independently prescribe
Role of the PA Perform duties and responsibilities, including ordering, prescribing, dispensing, and administration of drugs and medical devices, as well as ordering, prescribing, and executing of diagnostic and therapeutic medical regimens, as directed by supervising physician. Provide any medical service as directed by supervising physician when service is within physician assistant’s skills, training and experience, forms a component of physician’s scope of practice, is included in written agreement and is provided with amount of supervision in keeping with accepted standards of medical practice. Pronounce death, but not cause of death, and may authenticate, with physician assistant’s signature, any form related to pronouncing death. If attending physician is not available, physician assistant shall notify county coroner. Authority to release body of deceased to funeral director shall be that of coroner
Role of the PA Authenticate, with physician assistant’s signature, any form that may otherwise be authenticated by a physician’s signature as permitted by supervising physician. A physician assistant may execute written or oral order for medical regimen or may relay written or oral order for medical regimen to be executed by a health care practitioner subject to the requirements of this section.
Role of the PA As provided for in written agreement, the physician assistant shall report orally or in writing to a supervising physician, within 36 hours, those medical regimens executed or relayed by the physician assistant while the supervising physician was not physically present, and basis for each decision. The physician assistant shall record, date, and authenticate the medical regimen on the patient’s chart at time it is executed or relayed. When working in a medical facility, a physician assistant may comply with the recordation requirement by directing recipient of order to record data, date and authenticate that the recipient received the order, if this practice is consistent with the
Prescription Pad Name of PA and supervising and alternate physician names License number of PA and supervising and alternate physician names Office address and phone number Blank for DEA number –When appropriate, the physician assistant’s DEA registration number must appear on the prescription
Prescription Documentation Record drug name, amount, dose, frequency, refills and date in chart
Prescribing Authority The supervising physician may delegate authority to prescribe to the PA. A physician assistant authorized to prescribe or dispense, or both, controlled substances must register with the Drug Enforcement Administration. Controlled Medications –Schedule 1 – NO!!!! –Schedule 2 – May initiate therapy for 72 hours or may refill as prescription initiated by the supervising physician for up to 30 days for ongoing therapy –Schedule 3-5 – May prescribe per DEA guidelines
Prescribing Authority A physician assistant may only prescribe or dispense a drug for a patient who is under the care of the physician responsible for the supervision of the physician assistant and only in accordance with the supervising physician's instructions and written agreement. A physician assistant may request, receive and sign for professional samples and may distribute professional samples to patients. The supervising physician is prohibited from pre-signing prescription blanks. The supervising physician shall immediately advise the patient, notify the physician assistant and, in the case of a written prescription, advise the pharmacy, if the physician assistant is prescribing or dispensing a drug inappropriately.
DEA application Applications distributed from Philadelphia DEA office only $ for three years Request: –DEA application –Mid level practitioner addendum form –Mid level practitioner prescribing manual If change jobs, notify of change of address Use for Schedule II-V medications only –Sched. II 72 hours for initial or 30 days if renewing a Rx. Originated by a physician.
Written Agreement Outlines supervision relationship Outlines PA job description Outlines medication that PA will be prescribing Designates location of PA utilization
Required Identification Public notice posted Display state approved credentials for PA and supervising physician Name tag with 16 point type with “Physician Assistant” spelled out
Emergency Medical Services A physician assistant may only provide medical service in an emergency medical care setting if the physician assistant has training in emergency medicine, functions within the purview of his written agreement and is under the supervision of the supervising physician. A physician assistant licensed in this State or licensed or authorized to practice in any other state of the United States who is responding to a need for medical care created by a declared state of emergency or a state or local disaster (not to be defined as an emergency situation which occurs in the place of one’s employment) may render care consistent with relevant standards of care.
New Graduate State Board of Medicine Temporary permit Direct supervision No prescribing Once nationally certified, must have NCCPA notify board to get changed to permanent status- must ask NCCPA to notify the SBM directly State Board of Osteopathic Medicine No provision for a new graduate
New Graduate Registration Request copies of needed forms and copy of Medical or Osteopathic Practice Act from board Only use original forms Complete fully and legibly Use similar language as the regulations use for written agreement and check all drug categories (for MD) PA program will need to complete a page of application verifying graduation Make copies of forms Send in same envelope by certified mail Send in correct amount of payment Wait for official certificate from the board and the official letter of approval for supervisor before beginning to practice Typical wait is 4-8 weeks
Paperwork approval State Board of Medicine meets the third Tuesday of month State Board of Osteopathic Medicine meets second Wednesday of month Need paperwork there in time to be put on agenda If change jobs, must have complete paperwork approved before start of work
Contact information NCCPA (770) State Board of Medicine (717) State Board of Osteopathic Medicine (717) Drug Enforcement Administration (215) American Academy of Physician Assistants (703)
Reimbursement Scope of Practice
Reimbursement Issues Need to learn about insurance company reimbursement for medical and surgical physician services provided by a PA Identify major carriers for your practice Obtain Medicare number Be aware of restrictive supervision requirements Review HMO practice contracts Obtain AAPA book entitled “Third Party Reimbursement” Visit AAPA website for reimbursement information Review documents on AAPA fast fax Non Physician Practitioner News newsletter Part B News newsletter
Medicare Reimbursement Office setting –MD on site100% –MD off site85% House call85% Skilled Nursing Facility85% Hospital85% Federal Rural Health Siteis cost based reimbursement HMOCapitated
Medicare Incident-to To obtain 100% reimbursement three criteria must be meet: –Physician must be on site –Physician must see all new patients –Physician must see established patient if there is any change in condition
Other insurance carriers MedicaidVaries by site but majority is 100% (physician off site) TRICARE85% (surgery 65%) Private insurance varies (need physician on site) –Blue Cross/ Blue Shield permits physician off site if in medically underserved areas otherwise physician needs to be on site –PAs services as a surgical assistant is part of surgeon’s surgical fee Workman’s comp Reimbursed in PA –(% depends on service) FEHB Program majority cover, but varies –Foreign Serviceno –Mail Handlersno –Rural Carriersno
Billing Rules Not documented = not done Not done = not billable Billing must reflect level and intensity of service documented
Salary and Demographics
Income Variables Specialty City size Years of experience
Salary and Benefits Income can be by salary, fee for service or hourly Benefits vary Malpractice (verify in place before seeing patients and see policy in writing) - Supervisor’s policy rider - Umbrella policy - Independent policy
TABLE 18 Benefits paid by employer Professional Liability Insurance 99.1% Individual Health Insurance 94.3% Family Health Insurance 88.7% Dental Insurance 75.9% Disability Insurance 72.2% Term Life Insurance 66.8% Pension Retirement 83.5% DEA Registration 78.7% NCCPA fees 68.5% AAPA dues 72.3% State chapter dues 62.7% Credentialing fees 83.4%
2007 AAPA Salary Survey SpecialtyPennsylvania Family Medicine$67,274 GIM$70,916 Emergency Med$83,098 Gen. Peds.$62,343 Gen. Surgery$71,907 Int. Med. Sub.$72,437 Ped. Sub.$70,693 Surg. Sun$81,003 OB/GYN$65,546 Occ. Med.$74,113
Salary by years as a PA Less than one year $63, Years $69, $79, $81, $85, $77, $78,521 More than 18 years $84,256
Advertise your addition to practice In town newspaper In hospital newsletter Notify hospital and nursing home department heads and nursing units Educational brochures in waiting room Letters of introduction to office patients
Get the professional edge Position yourself as source of knowledge Provide written information to add clout Get the edge in hiring process
Avoiding Malpractice Diagnostic errors – majority of lawsuits against PCP “Red flags” complaints with a statistically high probability for lawsuits in primary care Rule out worst things first Revisit unsolved problems Have patient’s chart in front of you when you give phone advise
Medical Charting Documentation – if it is not written down, you didn’t do it Documentation of telephone calls in the chart Dispense instruction sheets Document patients refusal of treatment Document risks of failure to comply
Altering the Medical Record New entry with date and reason for addition Never alter a record by writing in the margin, writing over an entry or changing a date Never write or stamp “dictated but not read”
Medication Errors 2 nd most common / 2 nd most expensive Over half of all preventable drug events occur in the ordering process Causes –Incorrect dose –Inappropriate drug for the medical condition –Failure to monitor for side effects
Ways to Lower Risk Write legibly Document on a medication flow sheet in the front of the chart (also keep track of refills) Chart herbal medication use Reduce errors –Use leading zeros0.5 mg –Avoid trailing zeros5 mg –Avoid abbreviations
Systems for Tracking Follow-up Keep logs –Diagnostic tests (review daily) –Referrals (review monthly) Problem lists Develop a back up system to review labs when a provider is not in the office Checklist charting of visits / preprinted forms Checklist documentation of telephone calls
NCCPA Certification
NCCPA: Who are they? Primary resource in the assessment and credentialing of Physician Assistants Formed by 14 organizations in 1975 Responsible for administration of the national certification examination
PA Certification: What is it? Mark of professional accomplishment indicates achievement and maintenance of established levels of knowledge and clinical competence Issued by the NCCPA –Recognized and required by 50 states, District of Columbia, and the American Territories for licensure or regulation of PAs
NCCPA: Initial Certification
PANCE: Physician Assistant National Certifying Examination What is PANCE? –Initial certifying examination for Physician Assistants General Eligibility: –Graduate of, or nearing graduation from an accredited PA program Test Composition –Physician Assistant Tasks and Evaluative Objectives –Sample Disease/Disorders by Organ System
PANCE: Physician Assistant Tasks and Evaluative Objectives –Seven Categories A: H&P B: Lab & Diagnostic tests C: Diagnosis Formulation D: Clinical Intervention E: Clinical Therapeutics F: Health Maintenance G: Application of scientific concepts
PANCE: Sample Disease/Disorders by Organ System –A. Cardiovascular –B. Pulmonary –C. GI/Nutrition –D. MS –E. EENT –F. Reproductive –G. Endocrine –H. Neuro –I. Psych –J. GU –K. Derm –L. Heme –M. ID
PANCE: Dates and Deadlines Cost $425 Testing Before March 2008 –Earliest date is 7 days after graduation –Can only take once every 90 days or 3 times in a calendar year. –If there is a chance you won’t complete program on time, wait to register until confident of graduation/completion date Testing After March 2008 –Register not sooner that 90 days prior to completion date –You have 180 day window to take the exam –Can only take once every 90 days or 3 times in a calendar year –If there is a chance you won’t complete program on time, wait to register until confident of graduation/completion date
PANCE: Common Questions –What must I score to become certified? 55-65% depending on test version –What happens if I don’t pass my exam? May take numerous times if graduated before and beyond – you have 6 attempts in six years to pass. Can only take one in a 90 day period and the maximum attempts is 3 times in one year. –When will I receive my score? Mailed within 2 weeks after your exam date –How do I set up my exam time? Scheduling permit card will be sent to you about a month after making application to take exam
Maintaining Certification Three Steps –CME logging – all logging must be done with NCCPA. $95 logging fee ($15 discount if done on-line) –Re-registration –Recertification
CME Logging Frequency: Every two years must complete 100 hours CME requirements Category I (50 pre-approved hours) Category II Clinical (medical or patient care) Professional (indirectly related to patient care) 100 hours total
Re-registration Frequency –2 nd and 4 th year of certificate maintenance process. Complete form and submit payment Deadlines –Certificates expire every June –Recommend complete prior to May to assure continual certification
Recertification Two Options: –PANRE: Physician Assistant National Recertifying Examination –Pathway II : Exam and Elective Component
Recertification: continued PANRE -$300PATHWAY II -$475 Exam LocationPearson VUE Testing CenterTake-home Exam Format360 MCQ (Computer) No Reference Material 300 MCQ Open Book Format Passing Standard %70-80% Time Allotted5 HoursUp to 6 weeks NOTE:Individuals may take PANRE one time in any single 90-day period with a maximum of two (2) attempts per year. Pathway II ends in 2010
Pathway II Must earn total of 100 points within at least two of the nine categories Points earned through entire 6 year certification cycle Currently, Pathway II is being discontinued in 2010
Pathway II : Elective Component Nine Elective Component Categories –Clinical Category I (Pre-Approved) CME (1 pt./hr.) –Clinical Skills Training –Medical Teaching (1-2 pts./hr.) –Publications –Postgraduate Courses (50 pts. max.) –Professionally Relevant Postgraduate Degree (50 pts. max.) –Surgery Examination (25 pts.) –Specialty Review (25 pts. max.) –Other
Failure to Pass If your certification expires in 2002 or beyond, you must pass by the end of the 6 th year. You can take the test in years 5 and 6. You have 4 attempts to test and pass.