Chapter 6 Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Chapter 6 Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Objectives Create a presentation from a Microsoft Word outline Add hyperlinks to slides and objects Hyperlink to other Microsoft Office documents Add action buttons and action settings Display guides to position slide elements Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Objectives Set placeholder margins Create columns in a placeholder Change paragraph line spacing Format bullet size and color Change bullet characters to pictures and numbers Hide slides Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Project – Presentation with Action Buttons, Hyperlinks, and Formatted Bullet Characters Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Project – Presentation with Action Buttons, Hyperlinks, and Formatted Bullet Characters Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Project – Presentation with Action Buttons, Hyperlinks, and Formatted Bullet Characters Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
General Project Guidelines Think threes Choose outstanding hyperlink images or text Customize action buttons for a unique look Be mindful of prepositional phrases Consider the audience’s interest Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Opening a Microsoft Word Outline as a Presentation Open the Backstage view and then click the Open command in the Backstage view to display the Open dialog box Navigate to the location containing the outline Click the File Type arrow to display the File Type list Click All Outlines to select this file type Click the name of the file to open Click the Open button to open the Outline as a presentation Click the Outline tab in the Tabs pane to view the outline Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Opening a Microsoft Word Outline as a Presentation Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Adding a Hyperlink to a Picture Select the picture, and then click the Insert Hyperlink button (Insert tab | Links group) to display the Insert Hyperlink dialog box If necessary, click the Place in This Document button in the Link to area Click the desired link destination in the ‘Select a place in this document’ area Click the OK button to insert the hyperlink Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Adding a Hyperlink to a Picture Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Adding a Hyperlink to a Paragraph Select the paragraph, and then display the Insert Hyperlink dialog box and then click the Existing File or Web Page button in the Link to area Type the Web address in the Address text box Click the OK button to insert the hyperlink Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Adding a Hyperlink to a Paragraph Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Inserting an Action Button Click the Shapes button (Insert tab | Illustrations group) to display the Shapes gallery Point to the desired action button in the Action Buttons area Click the desired location on the slide to insert the action button and to display the Action Settings dialog box Set the desired options in the Action Settings dialog box Click the OK button Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Inserting an Action Button Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Changing an Action Button Fill Color With the action button selected, click the Shape Fill button arrow (Drawing Tools Format tab | Shape Styles gallery) to display the Shape Fill gallery Click the desired fill color to apply the color to the action button Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Changing an Action Button Fill Color Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Copying an Action Button Right-click the action button to copy Click Copy on the shortcut menu to copy the action button to the Clipboard Display the slide to contain the action button, and then click the Paste button (Home tab | Clipboard group) to paste the action button Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Copying an Action Button Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Editing an Action Button Action Setting With the action button selected, click the Action button (Insert tab | Links group) to display the Action Settings dialog box Make the desired changes in the Action Settings dialog box, and then click the OK button Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Editing an Action Button Action Setting Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Hyperlinking to Another PowerPoint File Select the picture to turn into a hyperlink Click the Action button (Insert tab | Links group) to display the Action Settings dialog box Click Hyperlink to in the ‘Action on click’ area and then click the Hyperlink to arrow to display the Hyperlink to menu Scroll down and then click Other PowerPoint Presentation to display the Hyperlink to Other PowerPoint Presentation dialog box Navigate to and then click the hyperlinked presentation Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Hyperlinking to Another PowerPoint File Click the OK button to display the Hyperlink to Slide dialog box Click the OK button to hyperlink the image to the other presentation Click the OK button to apply the new action setting Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Hyperlinking to Another PowerPoint File Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Hyperlinking to a Microsoft Word File Select the picture to turn into a hyperlink Click the Action button (Insert tab | Links group) to display the Action Settings dialog box Click Hyperlink to, click the Hyperlink to arrow to display the Hyperlink to menu, and then scroll down to the end of the Hyperlink to list Click Other File to display the Hyperlink to Other File dialog box, navigate to, and then click the desired Word document Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Hyperlinking to a Microsoft Word File Click the OK button to hyperlink this file to the Word document Click the OK button to apply the new action setting Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Displaying the Drawing Guides Click the View tab, and then click the Guides check box (View tab | Show group) to display the horizontal and vertical guides Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Positioning a Picture Using Guides Drag the horizontal and vertical guides to the desired locations on the slide Drag the picture to the desired location, using the guides as a reference Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Displaying the Rulers Click the Ruler check box (View tab | Show group) to display the vertical and horizontal rulers Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Aligning Pictures Drag the first picture to the desired location Drag the second picture near the first, using the Smart Guide as a reference indicating when the pictures are aligned Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Distributing Pictures Select the pictures to distribute, and then click the Align button (Picture Tools Format tab | Arrange group) to display the Align menu If necessary, click Align to Slide so that PowerPoint will adjust the spacing of the pictures evenly between the slide edges and then click the Align button to display the Align menu again Click Distribute Horizontally to adjust the spacing Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Distributing Pictures Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Hiding a Slide Click the Slide Sorter view button to display the slide thumbnails Click Slide Show on the Ribbon to display the Slide Show tab and then click the thumbnail of the slide to hide Click the Hide Slide button (Slide Show tab | Set Up group) to hide the selected slide Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Hiding a Slide Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Centering Placeholder Text Select the text to center Click the Center button on the Mini toolbar Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Aligning Placeholder Text With the text selected, click the Align Text button (Home tab | Paragraph group) to display the Align Text gallery Click the desired alignment option in the Align Text gallery Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Aligning Placeholder Text Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Changing Paragraph Line Spacing Select the paragraphs for which you want to align the spacing Click the Line Spacing button (Home tab | Paragraph group) to display the Line Spacing gallery Click the desired line spacing option in the Line Spacing gallery Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Changing Paragraph Line Spacing Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Creating Columns in a Placeholder Click the content placeholder to select it Click the Columns button (Home tab | Paragraph group) to display the Columns gallery Click the desired number of columns in the Columns gallery Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Adjusting Column Spacing With the placeholder selected, click the Columns button and then click More Columns Click the Spacing box up or down arrow to adjust the spacing Click the OK button Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Entering a Line Break Press SHIFT+ENTER to insert a line break character and move to the next line Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Changing a Bullet Character to a Picture Select the bulleted list in the content placeholder Click the Bullets arrow (Home tab | Paragraph group) to display the Bullets gallery Click Bullets and Numbering to display the Bullets and Numbering dialog box Click the Picture button to display the Picture Bullet dialog box Click the Import button to display the Add Clips to Organizer dialog box Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Changing a Bullet Character to a Picture Navigate to the location of the picture to add Click the desired picture to select the file Click the Add button to import the clip to the Microsoft Clip Organizer Click the OK button to insert the picture as the paragraph bullet character Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Changing a Bullet Character to a Picture Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Changing a Bullet Character to a Symbol Select the bulleted list in the content placeholder Click the Bullets arrow, and then click Bullets and Numbering to display the Bullets and Numbering dialog box Click the Customize button to display the Symbol dialog box Scroll to display the desired symbol Click the desired symbol to select it Click the OK button to display the symbol in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box Click the OK button to insert the symbol as the paragraph bullet Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Changing a Bullet Character to a Symbol Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Formatting a Bullet Size Select the bulleted list in the content placeholder Click the Bullets arrow, and then click Bullets and Numbering to display the Bullets and Numbering dialog box Click and hold the Size box up or down arrow until reaching the desired size Click the OK button Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Formatting a Bullet Size Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Formatting a Bullet Color Select the paragraphs with the bullets to format Display the Bullets and Numbering dialog box, and then click the Color button to display the Color gallery Click the desired color to change the bullet color Click the OK button to apply the color to the bullets Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Formatting a Bullet Color Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Changing a Bullet Character to a Number Select the content paragraphs Click the Numbering button arrow (Home tab | Paragraph group) to display the Numbering gallery Click the desired numbering option in the Numbering gallery Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Changing a Bullet Character to a Number Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Removing Bullet Characters Select the bulleted list text, and then click the Bullets button arrow Click the None option to remove the bullet characters Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Chapter Summary Create a presentation from a Microsoft Word outline Add hyperlinks to slides and objects Hyperlink to other Microsoft Office documents Add action buttons and action settings Display guides to position slide elements Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Chapter Summary Set placeholder margins Create columns in a placeholder Change paragraph line spacing Format bullet size and color Change bullet characters to pictures and numbers Hide slides Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Chapter 6 Complete