It is the way the 21th century communicates Social Networks How does Social networks affect our daily lives?
Definition: The uses of social network websites:
SixDegrees AIM/ICQ/ The founder of
Facebook Twitter Instagram
Connection Low Cost Builds Credibility Advertisements Community
Addictive Impact on Schooling and employee
Stalkers The risks to children and teens
Do we speak social? Social Network Communication different spelling
“Social” into “Anti-Social” drive-thru
Evaluate your posting: No private information: Privacy Settings:
Google your name: No embarrassing posting:
Blvd, Wilshire, and Santa Monica. "Social Networking" Social Networking N.p., 05 Feb Web. 19 Feb boyd, d. m., & Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), article 11. Cain, Kevin. "The Negative Effects of Facebook on Communication." Social Media Today RSS. N.p., 29 June Web. 19 Feb Debbie Jones. "Teach ICT - GCSE ICT - Social Networking." Teach ICT - GCSE ICT - Social Networking. N.p., Web. 19 Feb Goble, Gordon. "The History of Social Networking." Digital Trends The History of Social Networking Comments. N.p., 6 Sept Web. 19 Feb
Sherman, Aliza. "How Social Media Is Affecting the Way We Speak and Write â” Tech News and Analysis." GigaOM How Social Media Is Affecting the Way We Speak and Write Comments. N.p., 28 Apr Web. 19 Feb "Social Network Sites." Social Network Sites. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services., 06 May Web. 19 Feb Surrey Leader. "Professional Communications: Kwantlen Class Blog." : Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networking. Kwantlen Polytechnic University's, 11 Apr Web. 19 Feb "University of the PACIFIC." Online Social Networking Dangers and Benefits. University of the Pacific, n.d. Web. 19 Feb Vaux, Robert. "Advantages & Disadvantages of Online Social Networking." EHow. Demand Media, 25 Apr Web. 19 Feb Welles, Brooke Foucault. "Menu." News Northeastern. Northeastern University, n.d. Web. 19 Feb Young, Elizabeth M. "The Disadvantages of Social Networking." Helium. Helium, 01 July Web. 19 Feb