Appendix A: Rope and Cable Safe Working Load Standards Daryl Swensen Oregon State University College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences
Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) 46 CFR To establish a unified safe and effective operating limit for vessels in the UNOLS fleet. Define the requirements for over-the-side deployments in order to maintain a safe working environment. Minimize damage to tension members, handling equipment and preventing the loss of scientific equipment, while still permitting the science objective go be met.
Definitions Rope, Cable, Elastic limit, Transient and Dynamic loads. Factor of Safety (FS), Safe Working Load (SWL) etc. Inspection and Testing Defines a criteria for tension member fairlead requirements. Routine static and break testing of the rope and cables. Monitoring and Logging Logbooks for usage and maintenance. Digital monitoring and data logging Training
What can we put on the end? Factor of Safety (FS) Safe Working Load (SWL)
No tension monitoring system. Calculation only. No routine break test required.
Tension monitoring system needed. Tension data saved at 3Hz. Break test required every two years. D/d ratio 40:1 or 400d1 Motion-compensation accepted.
Tension monitoring system needed. Tension data saved at 20 Hz. Trending graph for winch operator. D/d ratio 40:1 or 400d1 Break test required annually. Motion-compensation accepted.
Tension monitoring system needed. Tension data saved at 20 Hz. Trending graph for winch operator. Break test required annually. D/d ratio 40:1 or 400d1 Motion-compensation accepted. Wire Rope only. No conducting cable.
Small Diameter Rollers
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