Cellular Respiration Notes


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Presentation transcript:

Cellular Respiration Notes

Pre-Quiz In what organelle does cellular respiration take place? Chloroplast Nucleus Mitochondria

Pre-Quiz Does aerobic respiration require oxygen?

Pre-Quiz Which of the following is not part of cellular respiration? Calvin Cycle glycolysis modification of pyruvate electron transport chain

Pre-quiz How many ATP are made during aerobic respiration? 2 8 32 36

Pre-Quiz What causes muscle fatigue? Aerobic respiration Lactic acid fermentation Alcoholic fermentation

Cellular Respiration The process by which mitochondria break down food molecules to produce ENERGY (ATP)!

Aerobic Respiration (with Oxygen) Exists in 4 Stages Glycolysis Modification of Pyruvate Citric Acid Cycle / Krebs Cycle Electron Transport Chain

Glycolysis Breaking down glucose Occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. chemical reactions that break down glucose in to 2 pyruvates. 2 ATP are used and 4 ATP are produced = net gain of 2 ATP.

Modification of Pyruvate Pyruvate is changed into Acetyl Co-A Occurs in the mitochondria Products: 1 CO2 1 NADH which is an electron carrier.

Citric Acid Cycle / Krebs Cycle 1 Glucose = 2 turns of the cycle. Products: 2 More CO2 More electron carriers (3 NADH & 1 FADH2) 1 ATP produced per turn.

Kreb’s Cycle

Electron Transport Chain Electron carriers pass electrons from protein to protein in the inner membrane of the mitochondria. This forms ATP! The electron is accepted by oxygen and water is produced. This chain produces 32 ATP.

ETC (Electron Transport Chain)

ATP Synthesis

Overall Equation for Cellular Respiration C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy

Overall Energy Output (for aerobic respiration): 2 ATP from Glycolysis 2 ATP from Krebs Cycle 32 ATP from Electron Transport Chain 36 ATP Total Animation

Anaerobic Respiration (with out Oxygen) Lactic Acid Fermentation used by animals and some plants (cells) when the electron transport chain backs up due to lack of oxygen. produces a byproduct known as lactic acid (toxic to cells) Results in muscle fatigue. Only get 2 ATP from this process.

Anaerobic Respiration (with out Oxygen) Alcoholic Fermentation used by yeast as well as others to produce CO2 and ethyl alcohol.