Flexible Spending Accounts Allows employees to pay for their family medical and daycare expenses on a pre-tax basis Reduces taxes Increases take-home pay Typically the only way to deduct these expenses Diversified benefits Voluntary – Choose what you need If you have these expenses – Use it!! Easy
What Flexible Spending Accounts are available? Medical Flexible Spending Account Dependent Care Reimbursement Account
Medical Flexible Spending Account Co-Pays, Deductibles, Prescriptions, Eyeglasses/Contact Lenses, Dental, too! OTC medicines - “Medically Necessary” $2,000 maximum contribution limit PrimeFlex Debit Card Claim Reimbursement Form Online submission of claims available KEEP ALL of your receipts! We will ask for them for some of your expenses.
Dependent Care Reimbursement Account Child Daycare – under Age 13 Pre-Kindergarten Expenses / Summer Day Camps Elder Care if claimed as dependent Both spouses need to be working! Maximum election of $5,000 per year. ($2,500 per if married, filing separately) Form #5 – Claim Reimbursement Form Online submission of claims available
Enrollment Online
Enter your Dependent Info & your Election
Account Balance Information
Submit Claims Online – 1 st Step
Submit Claims Online – 2 nd Step
Submit Claims Online – 3 rd Step
Monthly Employee Statements * address must be provided
PrimeFlex Customer Service 24/7 Online Account Access Claim Reimbursement Forms Updated list of eligible merchants Medical and Dependent Care Expense List 877.7MY.FLEX 877.6FAX.FSA, fax