GEOL 352 – Fall 2014 September 10, 2014 Veronica Sosa-Gonzalez Russia: Setting the context
Outline Geography and population Health and education Political history Climate and Environment Lake Baikal paper mill
Geography + population Health + Education Political history Climate + Environment
Area: 17,098,240 km 2 Largest country in the world Population: 143,499,861 (2013) Rural population: 37,067,162 (2013) $12,700 GDP per capita Great range of environments and landforms Cold climate Geography + population Health + Education Political history Climate + Environment
Geography + population Health + Education Political history Climate + Environment Five main drainage basins: Arctic Ocean Pacific Ocean Baltic Sea Black Sea Caspian Sea
Life expectancy: 70 years Fertility: 1.6 births per woman Adolescent fertility rate: 26/100,000 women (15-19 years) Tuberculosis: 91/100,000 people (0.09%) Mortality (<5 years): 10/10,000 live births No data on HIV Literacy percentage: 100% in 2010 (no more data after) School enrollment –Tertiary: 76% in 2012 Ratio of female to male tertiary enrollment: 126 (2012) No data on primary school completion rate No data on public spending on education Geography + population Health + Education Political history Climate + Environment
the Russian republic is established after the Russian Revolution Becomes a USSR republic in – Soviet communist rule Late 80’s – Gorbachev’s perestroika 1993 – Russian parliament dissolved President chosen by elections and with maximum authority Geography + population Health + Education Political history Climate + Environment
St. Petersburg (-8°C) Turukhans (-27°C) Yakutsk (-43°C) Verkhoyansk (-50°C)
Geography + population Health + Education Political history Climate + Environment map.htm
Geography + population Health + Education Political history Climate + Environment
Geography + population Health + Education Political history Climate + Environment Russia ranks 73/178 countries Overall score 53.45/100
Geography + population Health + Education Political history Climate + Environment The world’s 10 Most Polluted Places – Scientific American, 2013 NORILSKDZERZHINSK
Case study – Baikal paper mill