The Causes of World War II Post World War I Grade 8
Treaty Of Versailles War Guilt Clause Reparations Disarmament Territorial Clauses
World Wide Depression Germany Russia Britain France Italy United States Japan
Conditions in Germany Germanys Economic collapse High unemployment Inflation Increased public resentment Decreased public moral “Inflation. In Germany after the last war, it was possible to pay 50 million dollars for a nickel cup of coffee, and 35 million dollars for a $35 suit of clothes. This Berlin woman, realizing that fuel costs money, is starting the morning fire with marks "not worth the paper they are printed on””
Additional Contributing Factors Hitler's appeal (World War Two Causes, 2012). “Failure of the League of Nations” (World War Two Causes, 2012). Appeasement to Germany’s requests (World War Two Causes, 2012). Hesitation Isolationism
References: Inflation. ( ). [Photograph]. [U.S. Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Black &White Photographs] LC-USE6-D (b&w film nitrate neg.) Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Retrieved from Its Been A Hard Winter/Castagine [Photograph]. LC-USE6-D (color film copy slide) Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Retrieved from The Greatest Moment in History/photographs by Helen Johns Kirtland and Lucian Swift Kirtland, Leslie’s Staff Correspondents. (1919) LC-DIG-ppmsca (digital file from original item) Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Retrieved from "Two anti-tank Infantrymen of the 101st Infantry Regiment, dash past a blazing German gasoline trailer in square of Kronach, Germany." April 14, [Photograph] T4c. W. J. Rothenberger, 111-SC (ww2_118.jpg) National Archive. Org, Military Records, Pictures of World War II. Retrieved from World war two causes. (2012). History on the Net.Com. Retrieved from