WESTAR Oil & Gas Conference October 2008 Mark Smith
PM-10 and NOx are within NAAQS ◦ NOx increment analysis completed PM2.5 sometimes impacted by fire OZONE……. Increment Consumed Maximum PSD Allowance Class II Class I
Site Average 2008 YTD value Yellowstone Boulder Jonah South Daniel (red values indicate partial year data) Standard = 75 ppb 6
New (1-3 years) monitors in Atlantic Rim and Wamsutter ◦ No issues yet (PM, ozone, NOx) Monitor budgeted for Hiawatha area (planned new development)
Monitors in place include PM (2.5 and 10), NOx, and ozone Upwind and downwind of CBM and coal mining activities Wind-related PM-10 excursions occur ◦ Usually covered by coal mine NEAP PM2.5 well within standard NOx is staying within standard Ozone has been somewhat elevated ◦ Within NAAQS but we are watching
Facilities in Powder River Basin (PRB) increasing in number and moving west Existing facilities are being modified for significant expansion ◦ Minor source to major source ◦ Major source to approaching PSD threshold ◦ Expected that more sources will be major sources of HAPs
Current production is primarily in the PRB (northeast portion of the state) Future development in other areas of WY would have a significant impact especially in those areas are already concentrated with oil & gas facilities
As with CBM, oil shale deposits are located in areas already experiencing concentrated oil & gas development activities