Status Report #01 Automated Vehicle Tracking System AVTS David Brenner Caleb Douglas Ahmed Elsherif Michael W. Timme An automated license plate detection system used to build a database for law enforcement to utilize when searching for vehicles. Jan 23 rd 2012
Need for Design Aid in the apprehension of suspects and the rescue of abductees in the event that vehicular information is known. Milestones License Algorithm Completion – 04/17/2012 Server Integration – 03/30/2012 GUI Completion – 03/1/2012 Data Encryptions – 04/10/2012 Assembly – 02/24/2012
Recent Tasks Obtain the microprocessor and its accessories Line detection in order to locate the license plate Select the GPS device and camera Prepare the machine used as the server Discuss possible encryption methods
Receive and GPS and camera License plate isolation Obtain more information on data encryption Assembly (parts to be enclosed in the case) Ongoing Tasks
License Plate Isolation Progress
Upcoming Tasks Character isolation for the license plates Establish camera connectivity with the processor Design the case Select the format of the data transmitted and stored in order to design the GUI
Block Diagram