Fuchsia Red Flowering Currant Ribes sanguineum Fuchsia magellanica Can come in many colors, including bright reds and oranges that attract hummingbirds. This plant is said to be deer- resistant and is ranked as being “seldom severely damaged” compared to other plants. This plant is cultivated. Rufous hummingbirds Rufous hummingbird Mostly found in the valley, does not extend over the mountain range
Carpet Bugle Ajuga reptans Impatients Are prone to a plant disease in the Pacific Northwest called Downy Mildew. Impatiens wallerana Plant is very tough and can be walked over and be just fine. Mostly cultivated in Oregon
Straggly Gooseberry Ribes divaricatum This species has clusters of 1-3 large, brown thorns along its stem. Fireweed Chamerion angustifolium This species of plant is one of the first to colonize on burned site after a fire. Common in the valley but does not extend pas the mountain range. Female Rufous hummingbird Found many places across Oregon including the Willamette Valley and Central Oregon
Larkspur Usually come in the color blue. Delphinium sp. Canna Canna generalis Some around Corvallis in Finley National Park, but you can cultivate this plant. Strictly cultivated
Coral Bells Columbines Heuchera sp. Aquilegia sp. Found in Southern Oregon but can be cultivated Female Anna’s Found all over Oregon, stems are edible and have a sweet taste to them!
Salvia Salvia officinalis Bleeding Hearts Lamprocapnos spectabilis Female Anna’s Some in the valley natively but you can also cultivate these! Female Anna’s Popular native in the valley
Penstemons Honeysuckles (bush and vine) Penstemon sp. Lonicera sp. Female Rufous Many different species, found all over Oregon Many different species, mostly in the valley but they also reside in the Bend area!
Nasturtiums Come in many shades of red/orange/yellow Petunias Petunia sp. Tropaeolum sp. Both of these are cultivars Female Anna’s
Crab Apple Tree BlossomsTall Oregongrape Berberis aquifolium Shrub that blooms early and loves sunlight. Malus sp. Female Anna’s Found in the valley and central Oregon Very popular in the valley around the Corvallis area
Calico Bush Aristolochia littoralis Columbia Lily Lilium columbianum Popular in the valley Cultivated flower
Scarlet Creeper Ipomoea hederifolia The scarlet creeper is self-seeding and grows rapidly. To prevent unwanted growth, keep an eye out for seedlings surrounding your morning glories and pick them by hand, removing the roots and all. Refrence: html Cardinal Flower Lobelia cardinalis Female Anna’s Cultivated only
Trumpet Vine/Trumpet Creeper This plant grows very fast and can get out of control easily, but it is great for attracting hummingbirds! Campsis radicans Bee Balm Monarda didyma Leaves can be crushed to make a “balm” for bee stings. Male RufousFemale Annas Cultivated only
Dogwood Cornus sp. Azalea Rhododendron sp. Both can be found in the valley
Salmonberry Rubus spectabilis Shrub that is covered in prickles and has berries that ripen between mid-June and late July. All over the Willamette extending to the mountain range but does not cross Paintbrush Castilleja sp. The flowers of paintbrush are edible! Found all over in Oregon Female Rufous Male Anna’s
Lavender Lavandula sp. Butterfly Blue Scabiosa sp. Female Anna’s Pretty flowers with a strong scent, will attract bees as well! Mostly in the valley, also can be cultivated
Hedge-Nettle Stachys sp. Clarkia Clarkia gracilis Female Anna’s Grow mostly on edges of grassland and woody areas Mostly in Southern Oregon but there is some near Corvallis
Sweet William Dianthus barbatus Russian Sage Perovskia atriplicifolia Female Anna’s Can be Cultivated but there is some found naturally right in Corvallis and Albany Cultivated flower