REGION Q Request for Proposals Bidders’ Conference Workforce Investment Act ADULT & DISLOCATED WORKERS PITT COUNTY Program Year 2007 Thursday, March 29, :00 A.M.
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Region Q Website
Funding Period July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008 Possible Extension of Contract - 1 Year Region Q Workforce Investment Consortium Five County Region: BEAUFORT BERTIE HERTFORD MARTIN PITT RFP PROPOSALS ACCEPTED FOR: PITT COUNTY Overview of RFP
PURPOSE OF RFP The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit competitive proposals for the operation of the Workforce Investment Act Adult & Dislocated Worker Program in the following county of the Region Q Workforce Investment Consortium: Pitt County Any governmental, educational, community-based organization or non-profit agency engaged in public service; or any private-for-profit agency may apply. Each entity proposing to provide the employment and training services as prescribed by this RFP must do so as an individual company or agency, and be prepared to either provide the services directly or establish an agreement with the appropriate provider(s) of the services.The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit competitive proposals for the operation of the Workforce Investment Act Adult & Dislocated Worker Program in the following county of the Region Q Workforce Investment Consortium: Pitt County Any governmental, educational, community-based organization or non-profit agency engaged in public service; or any private-for-profit agency may apply. Each entity proposing to provide the employment and training services as prescribed by this RFP must do so as an individual company or agency, and be prepared to either provide the services directly or establish an agreement with the appropriate provider(s) of the services.
ONE-STOP DELIVERY SYSTEM Workforce Investment Act Interim Final Rules were published by the US Department of Labor in the August 11, 2000 Federal Register and are available on the internet at: On the right side of the page, review the column and locate “Laws and Regs.” Clicking on Laws and Regs will take the viewer to Workforce Investment Act Interim Final Rules.Workforce Investment Act Interim Final Rules were published by the US Department of Labor in the August 11, 2000 Federal Register and are available on the internet at: On the right side of the page, review the column and locate “Laws and Regs.” Clicking on Laws and Regs will take the viewer to Workforce Investment Act Interim Final Rules. The WDB, in partnership with our workforce development agencies, has developed a system of comprehensive JobLink Career Centers in the five-county region. The system design currently includes five (5) full-service JobLink Career Centers and 3 JobLink Information Sites. Region Q requires that all adult & dislocated worker contractors operate from the applicable JobLink Career Center. Bidders are expected to meet with the applicable JobLink Center lead agency/operator to discuss provisions for shared space, and costs for this should be reflected in the bidder’s proposal. A letter of agreement from the JobLink Center Manager per coordinated services and physical space commitments must also be included in this proposal.The WDB, in partnership with our workforce development agencies, has developed a system of comprehensive JobLink Career Centers in the five-county region. The system design currently includes five (5) full-service JobLink Career Centers and 3 JobLink Information Sites. Region Q requires that all adult & dislocated worker contractors operate from the applicable JobLink Career Center. Bidders are expected to meet with the applicable JobLink Center lead agency/operator to discuss provisions for shared space, and costs for this should be reflected in the bidder’s proposal. A letter of agreement from the JobLink Center Manager per coordinated services and physical space commitments must also be included in this proposal.
COLLABORATION Leveraged Funding and Service Coordination Leveraged Funding and Service Coordination Bidders will leverage community resources to create a seamless network of services that are easily accessible and relevant to customers. To have a meaningful impact on the quality and breadth of the JobLink services system, bidders must be able to draw upon a resource base that extends beyond WIA funding. Bidders should describe connections to other funding sources that will benefit participants and increase the cost effectiveness of federal funds.
ADULT To be an eligible adult in the adult and dislocated worker program, an individual must be 18 years of age or older (a) Under the Act, eligible youth are 14 through 21 years of age. Adults are defined in the Act as individuals age 18 and older. Thus, individuals ages 18 through 21 may be eligible for both adult and youth programs. Permission must be obtained from the Region Q LA MIS Coordinator prior to co-enrollment To be an eligible adult in the adult and dislocated worker program, an individual must be 18 years of age or older (a) Under the Act, eligible youth are 14 through 21 years of age. Adults are defined in the Act as individuals age 18 and older. Thus, individuals ages 18 through 21 may be eligible for both adult and youth programs. Permission must be obtained from the Region Q LA MIS Coordinator prior to co-enrollment.
DISLOCATED WORKERS To be eligible for the dislocated worker program, an eligible adult must meet the definition of “dislocated worker” at section 101(9) of the Act. 101(9) The term “dislocated worker” means: (1) An individual who has been terminated or laid off, or who has received notice of termination or layoff, from employment, and is eligible for or has exhausted entitlement to unemployment compensation, and is unlikely to return to a previous industry or occupation. (2)An individual who has been terminated or laid off, or who has received notice of termination or layoff, from employment, and has been employed for a duration sufficient to demonstrate, to the appropriate entity at a one-stop center referred to in section 134(c), attachment to the workforce, but is not eligible for unemployment compensation due to insufficient earnings or having performed services for an employer that was not covered under a State unemployment compensation law, and is unlikely to return to a previous industry or occupation.
DISLOCATED WORKER (3)An individual who has been terminated or laid off, or who has received a notice of termination or layoff, from employment as a result of any permanent closure of, or any substantial layoff at, a plant, facility, or enterprise. (4)An individual who is employed at a facility at which the employer has made a general announcement that such facility will close within 180 days. (5)For purposes of eligibility to receive services other than training, intensive, or supportive services, an individual who is employed at a facility at which the employer has made a general announcement that such facility will close. (6)An individual who was self-employed (including employment as a farmer, rancher, or fisherman) but is unemployed as a result of general economic conditions in the community in which the individual resides or because of a natural disaster (7)An individual who is a displaced homemaker.
CORE SERVICES At a minimum, all core services described in WIA section 134 (d) (2) and are offered in each JobLink Career Center. Core services include, but are not limited to the following:At a minimum, all core services described in WIA section 134 (d) (2) and are offered in each JobLink Career Center. Core services include, but are not limited to the following: WIA Eligibility DeterminationWIA Eligibility Determination Outreach, Intake & OrientationOutreach, Intake & Orientation Initial AssessmentInitial Assessment Job Search & Placement AssistanceJob Search & Placement Assistance Provision of Employment StatisticsProvision of Employment Statistics Performance Information & Program CostPerformance Information & Program Cost Assisting in establishing eligibility for Financial aid & other ServicesAssisting in establishing eligibility for Financial aid & other Services Supportive ServicesSupportive Services UI InformationUI Information Follow-UpFollow-Up Screened ReferralsScreened Referrals Job ClubJob Club Job DevelopmentJob Development
INTENSIVE SERVICES Development of IEPDevelopment of IEP In-depth interviewing & evaluation to identify employment barriers & appropriate employment goalsIn-depth interviewing & evaluation to identify employment barriers & appropriate employment goals Comprehensive & Specialized AssessmentsComprehensive & Specialized Assessments Group CounselingGroup Counseling Individual Counseling & Career PlanningIndividual Counseling & Career Planning Case ManagementCase Management Short-term pre-vocational servicesShort-term pre-vocational services
TRAINING SERVICES occupational skills training, including training for non- traditional employmentoccupational skills training, including training for non- traditional employment on-the-job trainingon-the-job training programs that combine workplace training with related instruction which may include cooperative education programsprograms that combine workplace training with related instruction which may include cooperative education programs training programs operated by the private sectortraining programs operated by the private sector skill upgrading and retrainingskill upgrading and retraining entrepreneurial trainingentrepreneurial training job readiness training job readiness training adult education and literacy activities provided in combination with services described above, andadult education and literacy activities provided in combination with services described above, and customized training conducted with a commitment by an employer or group of employers to employ and individual upon successful completion of the trainingcustomized training conducted with a commitment by an employer or group of employers to employ and individual upon successful completion of the training
ADULT: Entered Employment Retention Rate Average Earnings Employment & Credential Rate Performance Measures DISLOCATED WORKERS: Entered Employment Retention Rate Average Earnings Employment & Credential Rate
Program Year 2006 Adult/DW Program Performance Goals 2006 Performance Standard Goal Adult Entered Employment Rate81.91% Adult Retention Rate86.78% Adult Earnings Change $ 10,746 Adult Employment & Credential Rate55.04% Dislocated Worker Entered Employment Rate90.93% Dislocated Worker Retention Rate91.67% Dislocated Worker Earnings Change $ 12,745 Dislocated Worker Employment & Credential Rate61.72% Participant Customer Satisfaction Rate82.00% Employer Customer Satisfaction Rate80.00%
The 2006 WIA Performance Goals for Region Q Adult and Dislocated Workers are given as a guideline. Region Q has not received Performance Goals for PY 2007 Note: Performance goals are pending WIA reauthorization and the implementation of Common Measures. All Region Q Operators are expected to exceed performance goals. Common Measures proposed to be implemented: Adult Measures:Entered Employment Employment Retention Average Earnings
Financial Information Contract Extension Budget Plan Cost Reimbursement Contract
Adult PY 06 Total Program Allocation (Includes Initial Program Award, Carryover, and Additional Funds) Pitt County $ 270,499
Dislocated Workers PY 06 Total Program Allocation (Includes Initial Program Award, Carryover, and Additional Funds) Pitt County$ 228,284
Proposal Instructions Submit proposals no later than 4:00 p.m. EDT on April 20, 2007 to the Region Q Local Area Office. Proposals must include: Page Numbers (1) One copy labeled “Original” (5) Five additional copies of RFP Submitted in 3-ring binder Completion of all forms Proposal Format and Required Forms in Order
Proposal Format & Required Forms 2007 RFP COVER SHEET Solicitation and Offer (cover page of this Solicitation). 2007 WIA ADULT & DISLOCATED WORKERS PROPOSAL SUMMARY REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (PROJECT DESCRIPTION) – This portion of the bid should give a clear picture of the design of the program, the anticipated outcomes, and the capability of the offeror to deliver the proposed services. Contractors are to answer each question under Sections A – H. Sections A-H should follow the alphabetical and numerical sequence. Answers to the Request For Proposal Questions should be typed under each question. BUDGET – Complete the Budget Summary and supporting worksheets for all costs required to implement the program design. COST ALLOCATION PLAN FOR JOBLINK CENTER JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND RESUMES – A Job Description – Workforce Investment Act form must be completed for each position funded by WIA Adult/DW funds. CURRENT ORGANIZATION CHART AGENCY GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES
Proposal Format & Required Forms ASSURANCES & CERTIFICATION LA CODE OF CONDUCT/CONFLICT OF INTEREST - Requires signature of authorized representative & date. LA GENERAL ASSURANCES & CERTIFICATION FORM - Requires signature of authorized representative & date. CERTIFICATE REGARDING DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION, INELIGIBILITY AND VOLUNTARY EXCLUSION LOWER TIER COVERED TRANSACTIONS Requires signature of authorized representative & date. STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE FORM - Requires signature of authorized representative & date. Notary required. DRUG FREE CERTIFICATION - Requires signature of authorized representative & date. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY NON-DISCRIMINATION (Complete form) ASSURANCES NON-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS - Requires signature of authorized representative & date. COPELAND ACT CERTIFICATION - Requires signature of authorized representative & date.
Proposal Format & Required Forms OTHER – ATTACH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: – –Federal ID Number – –Financial Statement and Copy of last audit – –Agency Grievance Procedures – –Copy of Bond Coverage (or explanation of planned coverage if an award is made) – –Current Organization Chart – –Charter and Bylaws of Organization, attach list of Current Board Members – –Cost Allocation Plan (if applicable, provide a copy of the agency Indirect Cost Plan) – –Letter of agreement from the JobLink Center Manager indicating coordinated services and physical space commitments.
Mark Your Calendars Proposals Due Friday, April 20, 2007 by 4:00 p.m. EDT Proposals will not be accepted after that time. - EDT Contract Awards: May 9, 2007 Program Year Starts: July 1, 2007
REGION Q WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CONSORTIUM Region Q Workforce Investment Consortium is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request for individuals with disabilities