Jovon horton 4/13/2015
I'm interested in being a police officer because the Albuquerque police department is committed to making sure that our residents are safe and as free from crime as humanely possible.
I'm interested in being a fire man because I believe in fostering an atmosphere where the firefighter team member to feel inspired encouraged and rewarded.
Honesty confidence social awareness and a responsible attitude. The ability to assess a situation react quickly and take positive action Resilience. The ability to remain calm in sometimes life- threatening situation. The to work alone and in a team.
Effective communication skills. Integrity composure and reassuring manner. Ability to follow instructions. Team working skills in the fire and rescue service and the community. Problem-solving skills.
Have a good sense of responsibility. Treat good safety care of the truck. A truck driver must be alert at all times for anying. Must spend long stretches of time driving alone. Must have excellent customer service skills when dealing with clients.
Work as a team. Have a good sense oh humor. Do repetitive tasks. Be resourceful. Be flexible.
Service to our communities. Reverence for the law. Commitment to leaderships. Integrity in all we say and do. Respect for people.
Staff telephones. Resend to walk in inquiries. Conduct routine office operations(faxing typing computer). Perform routine records criminal and other investigative inquiries. Assist in community policing actives and crime analysis tasks.
Carrying hoses. Climbing ladders. Hooking hoses up to hydrants. Breaking through walls. Protecting those in danger due to fire. Ensuring integrity of the property ablaze.
Deliver goods while operating a tractor-trailer truck. Load and unload cargo. Take orders for new diver. Drive long distances. Fill up on fuel clean truck and wash windows.
Police Officer Work with all these things because they have to use because they have to do tick and they got to pull over people the also meet other police officer and they have to use there if soming really bad happen.
Firefighter Firefighter works with all these things because they have to work with there team to get the fire out from a house and they also work with things so they can get out the water hoes so they can get the fire out and they work with data so they know where too go.
Truck diver Truck divers work with data and people and things because they meet new people everyday from dropping off there load and they are using data for telling them how far to go or how much to put in there gas.
Some police officers are assigned to patrol certain districts of a city while are office based but investigate specific types of crimes such as homicides or sexual assaults.
When not on the scene of an emergency firefighter work at fire stations where they sleep and eat and remain on call during shift.
Delivery truck drivers and driver/sales works have a physically demanding job driving a truck for a long time can be tiring so the sleep in there truck.
A police officer generally work a 40 hour work week8 hours shifts.
Firefighter work a 48-hours shift followed by 96hours off.
A truck driver hours are really 48-60
For a police officer aptitudes you have to have a good aptitudes because if you don’t you well not have the abilities to do your job like the abilities to write a tick.
A firefighter aptitudes have to be always ready because when they get that call then they have to go and they got to have the abilities to go do that mission.
A truck diver aptitude have to be passion because they have to drive for a long time on the road and there abilitties have to be good to go out the state is good.
Police officer education requirements rang from a high school diploma to college degree.
A firefighter required to have at least a high school diploma but candidates with some education after high school are increasingly prefrred.
After you complete truck driving school get your CDL and land first job youll be going out on the road with a trainer for about 1-3mouths
Police benefits are so good you get life in shorans and you get a bone chuck every two weeks if you close a case.
Fire fighter rang bounes and pay walid your off for 2weeks and injuries 3000$.
A truck diver salay and benfits jb hunt is reputable trucking company that does hire rookies driver the average yearly salay for rookies is 4000$
A police officer career out look are doing good for there citys
A firefighter career out look is to save and help people who are in need of help.
Truck diver out looks is to go around the state and and see the world diffident.
I think this job cant be international because it would not be the same here and there.
A firefighter should be every where because you need help were every you go.
Yes a truck driver should be over seas because your not going to get what every you need for you jobs.