Introduction to MAP Toolkit Agentless Automated Multi-Products Quick and easy migration and upgrade planning toolkit. How it works ? How does it help you ? Quick Start for using MAP Toolkit –Installation –Preparing Your Environment –Inventory Your Computers
Lab 1 : Preparing MAP Toolkit for Inventory Set password for local accounts (UAC disabled) Configure network access policy Enable Remote Administration exception (TCP Port 135) –netsh advfirewall set currentprofile settings remotemanagement enable – Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Network\Network Connections\Windows Firewall\Domain Profile Windows Firewall: Allow remote administration exception Enable File and Printer Sharing exception –TCP 139 and 445 and UDP 137 and 138 Other WMI connectivity information
Lab 2 : Collecting Client Inventory Data For Collecting Data MAP Toolkit uses WMI, ADDS, SQL Server Commands, VMWare Web Services and SSH ADDS –Uses LDAP to query computers –90 Days –1,20,000 Computer Objects per Domain per Run Windows Networking Protocol –WIN32 LAN Manager –Workgroups or Windows NT 4.0 domains –Run on each LAN segment
Lab 2 : Collecting Client Inventory Data Import Computer Names from a File –Max list up to 1,20,000 Scan an IP Address Range –Scans only 1,00,000 IP addresses at a time Manually Enter Computer Names System Center Configuration Manager “ Administrator ” – “ password ” – “ MAP-HOL ”
Lab 3 : Windows 7 Readiness Assessment Determine if the machines can run Windows 7, and if not, what upgrades are required ? Use existing database – “ MapHolDb-01 ” Generate Windows 7 Assessment Reports –File -> Prepare New Reports & Proposals -> Clear All Selection –Select only Windows 7 Hardware Assessment. –View -> Saved Reports and Proposals. Generate a Generic Inventory Report –Select only H/W, S/W Summary and Machine Inventory Results –View -> Saved Reports and Proposals
Lab 4 : Client Custom Assessment Properties Use MapHolDb-01 Custom assessment properties –Default Assessment must be completed –In Action -> Set Assessments Properties –Assessment Properties pop-up dialog – Use Custom Settings –Clear “If DVD-ROM not found, flag machine as Not Ready” –Click Run Assessment using custom values
Lab 5 : Internet Explorer Migration Assessment Use MapHolDb-01 Discover and Readiness -> IE Discovery Create IE Discovery Report –File -> Prepare New Report and Proposals –Select Reports and Proposals -> Clear All –Select IE Discovery –View -> Saved Reports and Proposals
Lab 6 : Client Security Assessment Use MapHolDb-01 Create Security Assessment Report –File -> Prepare New Report and Proposals –Select Reports and Proposals -> Clear All –Select Security Assessment –View -> Saved Reports and Proposals
MAP Toolkit Resources Access MAP Toolkit technical information and download links : For how-to videos and case studies, visit the Microsoft TechNet MAP Toolkit webpage : For answers to FAQ about the MAP Toolkit : MAP Community Forum :
Resources Software Application Developers Infrastructure Professionals
Questions… You can reach me at : Twitter
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