10/08/20151 Managing CSR implementation Henning Høy Nygaard, SUSBIZ Kenya Danish Federation of SME’s
10/08/20152 Agenda Ensuring a continuous process – introducing the ’Plan-Do-Check- Act’ Cycle Working with action plans as a continuous process Communicating about action plan achievements
10/08/20153 The ’Plan-Do-Check-Act’ Cycle (
10/08/20154 The ’Plan-Do-Check-Act’ Cycle – cont. The model provides a framework for the improvement of a process or system It can be used to guide the entire improvement project, or to develop specific projects once target improvement areas have been identified The PDCA cycle is a dynamic model The completion of one turn of the cycle flows into the beginning of the next
10/08/20155 The ’Plan-Do-Check-Act’ Cycle – cont. Plan: You analyse what you intend to improve, looking for areas that hold opportunities for change Do: You implement the change you decided on in the plan phase Check: After you have implemented the change, you check whether you have achieved the desired results, and assess what was learned and what went wrong Act: After planning, implementing and monitoring a change, you must decide whether to continue that particular change. If it consumed too much time, led to no improvement etc., you may abort the change and plan a new one. However, if the change has led to a desirable improvement or outcome, you may consider expanding the trial to a different area. This sends you back into the plan phase of the cycle
10/08/20156 The PDCA Cycle and action plans Needs assessment Needs assessment report Action plan (implementation process outline, indicators, responsible person(s), deadline) Implementation of activities, training and assistance Measurement of results against indicators in action plan Corrective actions Expansion of action plan
10/08/20157 ‘Plan’ phase Needs assessment Needs assessment report Action plan (implementation process outline, indicators, responsible person(s), deadline)
10/08/20158 Needs assessment report IssueFindings Emergency managementEmergency management system is not in place in the production area. There is a risk of fire for which the company has already been advised to introduce safety mechanism.
10/08/20159 Labour Standards (wages, working time, social security, worker involvement, communication and training) Management and Production Planning (supply chain management, lean management) Health and Safety (ergonomics, ventilation/ heat, dust, emergency preparedness, handling of chemicals) External Environment (energy savings, pollution prevention, waste water, solid waste) Action plan - Content
10/08/ Action plan
10/08/ Action plan – cont.
10/08/ ‘Do’ phase Implementation of activities Training and assistance
10/08/ Implementation of activities
10/08/ ‘Check’ phase Measurement of results against indicators in action plan
10/08/ Measurement of results against indicators in action plan Measurement of results
10/08/ ‘Act’ phase Corrective actions Expansion of action plan
10/08/ Modified activities Expansion of action plan Corrective actions
10/08/ Action Plan follow-up visit
10/08/ CSR communication Communication