RAISING AWARENESS: What have we learned? How far have we come? 1.Is diversity a problem? 2.Is diversity the sole responsibility of the HR Dept? 3.Is diversity just about race and gender? 4.Does diversity exclude the white male? 5.Is diversity training just another fad? 6.Is diversity just another version of EEO/AA?
The Individual Journey Thomas (1999) 1.Acknowledge your role 2.Examine your attitudes 3.Monitor your behavior 4.Review your priorities 5.Get ready to learn 6.Design a plan 7.Practice!
A House for Diversity Thomas (1999) Low diversity maturity may be due to: 1.Activity trap 2.Public relations trap 3.Training trap 4.Event trap 5.Awareness trap
Raising Awareness: Diversity Training Should Diversity Training be the only strategy toward raising awareness of the Diversity Vision? How do you do Diversity Training effectively?
Raising Awareness: ADDIE Model for Training A:ASSESS needs; determine learning objectives/desired outcomes D:DESIGN D:DEVELOP I:IMPLEMENT E:EVALUATE: Have outcomes been achieved? Has transfer occurred?
Raising Awareness: Diversity Training Questions Diversity Training can answer: What is diversity? How can diversity benefit the organization? What challenges does diversity present? What is the effect of changing demographics on the org., community, etc.? Why do people have stereotypes & biases?
Raising Awareness: Diversity Training What are my biases & stereotypes? How do antidiscrimination laws affect the organization and me? What is the organization’s vision for diversity and the policies, goals and expectations toward that vision? How can I use diversity to my advantage? How do I apply these concepts at work?
Raising Awareness: Four Areas of Focus 1.Cognitive: Just the Facts 2.Behavioral 3.Emotional: Values and beliefs 4.Organization: Structures and processes
Principles of Diversity Training Clearly identify and articulate desired outcomes and learning objectives based on org. needs Determine necessary content Determine appropriate methods of delivery Decide who needs to participate Train the trainers
Principles of Diversity Training Provide advance info to employees and supervisors Create nonthreatening, conducive learning environment and work environment Monitor and regularly evaluate whether outcomes have been achieved Revisit and refresh periodically
Decisions About Diversity Training: What would you do? What outcomes do you want to achieve? What training methods would you use to achieve those outcomes? Who will deliver it? E.g., lecture, video, CBT, discussion, role play, behavior modeling, reading assignments, etc. Who should receive the training? Should the training be mandatory or voluntary? How would you measure outcomes? How do we imbed the outcomes?
What Makes Diversity Training Unique? 1.Highly emotionally charged 2.Connection to bottom line is less clear 3.Awareness vs. strictly skill building 4.Total participation needed 5.Personal
Diversity Training Essentials: Live it! Constructivism Marketing is critical Wide-spread support is essential It’s not a snapshot, but ongoing
Some Diversity Training Outcomes Knowledge about EEO/AA and legislation related to diversity Understanding of how diversity is defined Knowledge of business reasons to embrace uniquenesses: How diversity can improve performance Strategies to improve customer service
Some Diversity Training Outcomes Strategies to decrease or prevent illegal discrimination or harassment in the workplace Strategies to improve workplace relations and communication Strategies to increase employee creativity and individual performance
Raising Awareness: Diversity Training What goes wrong? Perceived as too “touchy-feely” Unrealistic expectations Money runs out Flavor of the month Failure to commit, stay the course Claims of reverse discrimination No transfer!