Today’s topic! We have touched on this already but today we will break this down and look at in more detail Write this title & date your notes 22/11/12
Family structure Family size How formed? Relationships between family members Roles Sexuality Quality of life Culture
The lone parent family is one of the most common family structures in modern society – 1 in 5 children now live in one parent families. Only 10% of lone parent families are headed by the father
Big increase in multigenerational families Brannen (2003) sees them as being like a beanpole - long and thin More contact between generations (due to divorce, smaller family size and people living longer) Compared to within generations (people don’t have or live further away from siblings/ cousins)
Over 1/3 rd of all families are now Reconstituted mainly as a result of rising divorce rates
There is considerable diversity amongst ethnic minority families as well as families from different religions Afro Caribbean's have a high rate of female headed lone parent families Pakistani, Chinese and Bangladeshi origin families are more likely to be extended.
Socialisation of children Oakley (1974) found class to be a key factor in the division of labour in the home, middle class households are more likely to share the domestic roles Pahl (1989) found women were more likely to control the finances in working class homes
The number of homosexual families is rising. It seems inevitable that as society becomes more tolerant this trend will increase
On your handout Write in the following explanations for the causes of family diversity in order of importance Statements Female independence Divorce Family size Aging population Influence of religion Impact of class There is no right or wrong say whatever you think !!!
Do you think Family diversity is positive or negative? Give reasons for your answer.
Read through Any questions
Log ins will be sent home to your parents Any assignment missing scores O zero so as a result a number of you are not meeting your TMG’s
Number yourselves 1-5 (HOME GROUP) Now form a new group with the other people in your class that are the same number (EXPERT GROUP) Work together to select 4 key points from relevant section(s) on the text I gave you last lesson Write these onto your worksheet in the correct section (10 minutes) Now write 4 questions on your family diversity on to the paper I give you – with the correct answer
Now move back to your HOME GROUP Talk through the key points that you selected to complete your worksheet Teach your team!! you will now all sit the test individually to assess your team work & knowledge Scores for the group will be added together to give a team total and to decide the winning team!!
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)
Please complete the questionnaire to provide feedback on the course & the centre
Grade boundaries A- 48 B- 42 C-36 D-30 E-24 Well done !!!!
15 minutes – Thursday Lunch times
One – parent families Class diversity Cultural diversity Extended families - Kinship diversity Reconstituted families Sexual diversity
Your questions were brilliant!!! I haven’t included them all because some require more time, as they raise a number of complex issues- they are more like essay questions
Complete the quiz individually, but you can work together with your team 10 minutes
Read over your views on family diversity Do they match any sociological theoretical perspectives? Label them
New Right / functionalist Feminist Post modern
A new theory began in the late 1970’s It see’s society as fluid and changing all the time Post modernist argue that today’s society is; Unstable, fragmented, media- saturated, defined by what we consume We now live in a global village Life involves choice and change Nothing is fixed
Post modernist believe family life is diverse, varied and unstable. They highlight how many different family forms are now accepted in society. They believe claims that one type of family is ‘better’ or ‘more natural’ or more ‘normal’ are outdated
Group leader Team name Create a mind map to consolidate your ideas Main points Include key statistics Named sociologists Sociological terminology I will spend 10 minutes with each group
Only the person with the dice talks Anyone talking at the same time will lose a point for their team I will note down the key points raised on the board Marks will be awarded for clear points Extra marks for named sociologists, statistics, and sociological terms Points given for every new person in the group to speak
Assess the view that family diversity has a negative impact upon society (30 marks)
Please complete these – everyone need to have the opportunity to have their say. I will talk through the questions to clarify
Your log in – USE IT – to track yourself know how you are progressing and if you have any work outstanding Log – ins will be sent home next week Letters home will be sent this week for those not meeting your TMG’s and any others I have concerns about
Come & see me to get a sheet