O Differences, variety O Differences that play a role in & impact culture O What are our differences?
Quiz O What card game is popular with older Black adults? O A. Euchre O B. Bid whist O C. Spades
Quiz O Currently what percentage of the U.S. workforce are men? O A. 48% O B. 56% O C. 67%
Quiz O The Qu’ran is the sacred text of what religion? O A. Hinduism O B. Buddhism O C. Islam
Quiz O The U.S. Census Bureau estimated/estimates that Hispanics will exceed African-Americans as America’s largest racial minority in what year? O A O B O C. 2020
Quiz O How many different languages are spoken in Skokie, IL? O A. 25 O B. 55 O C. 95
Quiz O What percent of households have a stay at home dad? O A. 14% O B. 24% O C. 4%
Quiz O What % of the world’s population is of the Christian faith? O A. 46% O B. 39% O C. 27%
Quiz O How many states allow civil unions/marriage between same sex couples? O 5 = 4/1 O 8 = 5/3 O 6 = 4/2 O 11 = 5/6
Diversity O Weakness in profession O Comfort levels O PWD O Rules O Be careful of stereotypes…not everyone is alike O Ask questions O Don’t hold opinions against us
Sexual identity Age Social class Gender Race/ Ethnicity Mental/ Physical Ability Education Religion Geographic location Marital status Parental status Military experience Dimensions of Diversity
O Core (Primary) Dimensions O Traits we may observe upon meeting people O Extremely difficult/impossible to change O Stereotypes based on these things O We measure others based on our own cultural standards O Language O Appearance
Dimensions of Diversity O Secondary Dimensions O Not necessarily visible O Change over a lifetime O Knowledge of this dimension changes our perceptions of people
Terms O Prejudice O Preconceived belief or preference for one person, place, or thing over another O Stereotypes O Assumptions others make about us based on dimensions of diversity. O Discrimination O Differential treatment of one group that often creates a situation of disadvantage for another group
Goal O Cultural Competence O People who are able to work with both the similarities and differences in people successfully O Need to understand & accept : O Preferred styles of communication O Social interactions O Motivations O Recreation preferences
Cultural competence O 2 perspectives O Service provision O Access to services O How well we reach out to different groups O Workplace O Civil Rights Act of 1964, Age Discrimination Act, ADA O First step – knowledge & awareness
2 Perspectives O Melting Pot O Immigrants to America should assimilate to American culture & blend into 1 group…monoculture O Agree? O Has this happened? O When we travel to other countries should we assimilate?
2 Perspectives O Mosaic O Mix of ethnic groups where ethnic characteristics are maintained such as language, religion, culture. Etc. O Multi-culturalism O Does this exist?