Business Transformation Groups Business Transformation Groups A spiritual business council …
Business Transformation Groups Course overview Session 1 – The BTG - Why and what? – Purpose Session 2 – Leading a BTG – Group agenda – Executive groups Session 3 – Tools, materials – Best practices, cases studies,
Business Transformation Groups Session 1 Why and what?
Business Transformation Groups And our vision is becoming reality! Seeing a God-given transformation in European leader´s life and their environment – Family, Company and Community.
Business Transformation Groups Our mission is urgent! To help establishing local groups of business and professional people in Europe, who lead peers through a process of finding and following Christ in every area of their lives.
Business Transformation Groups DEVELOPING INFLUENTIAL LEADERS – the growth pathway
Business Transformation Groups Purpose of a group Goal = demonstrate loveGoal = make disciples Goal = relationship Comm- unity Christ One- another The task
Business Transformation Groups What is a BTG? A monthly meeting of business owners and CEO’s – Who do not want to ‘go it alone’ A round table Forum for counsel and ideas – In a confidential circle of friends Focussed on growth for the company – Seeking the best for all concerned A “synergy group” – Entrepreneurs from different disciplines
Business Transformation Groups Session 2 Leading a Business transformation Group
Business Transformation Groups SpiritualMaturityServantLeadershipKingdomCompanyOrganizationalExcellence Objectives God at Work LifeDevelopmentLeadershipDevelopmentMinistryDevelopmentBusinessDevelopment Group Focus Self-Assessments Pacing Progress These four pathways, when followed intentionally and fervently, will help produce kingdom leaders and kingdom companies, whose purpose is to bring about transformation to the marketplace and to communities around the world. Outcome Kingdom Leader in a Kingdom Company BTG – Pathways of learning
Business Transformation Groups Objectives Encourage Christian CEO’s to build their business on the principles of God’s Word. Luke 6:47-48: Challenge each Christian CEO to grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Colossians 1:9 b-10: Learn Business Best Practices from one another and outside speakers Develop close relationships with other Roundtable participants Be accountable Discover Gods direction for your company Apply biblical wisdom to daily business decisions Learn how to develop a ‘Spiritual Business Plan”
Business Transformation Groups BTG – agenda outline Reception by the host company – Who presents the business and gives a tour Working on your business – A presentation of “best practices” A case study around the host’s company – A current dilemma or problem A round table discussion – Each giving updates, ideas, advice, support Lunch or diner – Developing friendships
Business Transformation Groups A typical half-day meeting agenda 20 Introductions and Opening Prayer 60 FCCI Teaching / Alternate Teaching 45 Member Updates / Check-in (using form provided) 15 Coffee / Phone Break 60 Focus Presentation 60 Issues Presentation and Prayer (each member shares issues identified in the Member Update form to receive input and prayer) 10 Administrative Items and Closing Prayer
Business Transformation Groups Facilitator of a BTG … Has built up credibility – In entrepreneurial ability and integrity Is skilled in – analysis of problems – emotional intelligence – Handling strong personalities – Leading effective discussions to a practical end – coaching & mentoring Prepares the Forum – Helps the host to prepare a case study – Proposes speakers when expert input is desired Visits the Forum members – For ‘one-on-one’ coaching in between meetings
Business Transformation Groups Role of the facilitator 1.Accepting ideas for agenda items and finalizing the agenda. 2.Keeping records on meetings and accountability. 3.Making arrangements for the meeting location. 4.Maintaining regular contact with each member and encouraging members to maintain contact among each other. 5.Facilitating the meeting and issuing announcements about meetings and any other information. 6.Maintaining the pace of the meeting and keeping track of time. 7.Acting as a ”discussion leader" to make sure all members participate. 8.Keeping track of, and encouraging action, ownership and follow-up as appropriate. 9.Coaching and counselling the members between meetings as the needs arise. 10.Praying for each of the members regularly! 11.Recruits and works with a co-leader > with a view to starting a new group
Business Transformation Groups
Business Transformation Groups Christian Business Leaders Executive Groups Ian Smith July 2014
Business Transformation Groups Composition of the group Board members Senior executives Senior managers Corporate sector Education Public sector
Business Transformation Groups Aims of the group Mutual accountability Mutual support Encouragement Sharing wisdom and experience Learning Applying Biblical principles in marketplace leadership Helping us to be witnesses for Christ in the marketplace Prayer
Business Transformation Groups Format of the group Breakfast Personal updates Business related updates – key issues and challenges Study and learning Prayer – for colleagues, our businesses, personal
Business Transformation Groups Model: to be ‘Authentic Leaders’ The Authentic Leader Purpose Values Relation- ships Self- discipline Heart Copyright: Authentic Leadership by Bill George
Business Transformation Groups Hallmarks of an ‘Authentic Leader’ The Authentic Leader Purpose Values Relation- ships Self- discipline Heart Passion Behavior Connected- ness Consistency Compassion Copyright: Authentic Leadership by Bill George
Business Transformation Groups Leaders of Great Groups - HBR At the heart of every Great Group is a shared dream. All Great Groups believe that they are on a mission from God, that they could change the world, make a dent in the universe. They are obsessed with their work. It becomes not a job but a fervent quest. That belief is what brings the necessary cohesion and energy to their work. Provide direction and meaning. They remind people of what's important and why their work makes a difference. Generate and sustain trust. The group's trust in itself -- and its leadership -- allows members to accept dissent and ride through the turbulence of the group process. Display a bias toward action, risk taking, and curiosity. A sense of urgency -- and a willingness to risk failure to achieve results -- is at the heart of every Great Group. Are purveyors of hope. Effective team leaders find both tangible and symbolic ways to demonstrate that the group can overcome the odds.
Business Transformation Groups "we are all angels with only one wing; we can only fly while embracing one another." – Luciano de Crescanzo In the end, these groups cannot be managed, only led in flight. Warren Bennis, HBR
Business Transformation Groups Course overview Session 1 – The BTG - Why and what? – Purpose Session 2 – Leading a BTG – Group agenda Session 3 – Tools, materials – Best practices, cases studies,