Let’s look Deep with In us and think for a moment what we can do.


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Presentation transcript:

Let’s look Deep with In us and think for a moment what we can do

In the School Cafeteria

Think of the less privileged…..

Wastage of Food where we could have …..

Where we could have helped them have a nutritional food

Before you throw that Food think of …..

Your Fellow Being who has nothing to eat…….

Eat healthy to Be healthy for…..

A Healthy Mind…

Use your time wisely to avoid……..

Getting into Bad Habits

Manage your Time By……….

Not Wasting Time on…….

Instead Spend some quality time with the Family

Silently sitting, for when the Mind is calm you focus and think better.

Render service to the less privileged…

Lend a Helping Hand if you have excess time to the Society for……

We are part of this society as well as the World.

Let’s help one another…..

Do Not waste Money…..

One Man’s Luxury might be another Man’s


Do we require these many clothes when….

Do we require these many ?

There is none for others……

Let’s have control over our desires……

Save Water.

Do not waste the Gift Of Nature By……

Wasting them where you could have provided safe drinking water for….

People who don’t get good drinking water.

Every Drop of water Matters.

If every one of us think why should I bother?

We will be responsible for all our actions as well as consequences.

Think before it is too late………