Overview and Recommendations for Academic Renewal Department of Human Development and Psychoeducational Sciences
Introduction Mission: Be a leader in the preparation of students to meet the human development, educational, and psychological needs of a multicultural society and contribute to the knowledge-base for enhancing positive development across the lifespan Vision: Maintain a dynamic and nurturing teaching, learning, and research environment devoted to finding solutions for improving quality of life for individuals, families, and communities
Rationale New structure provides greater organizational clarity and promotes interdisciplinary work Increase enrollment by attracting students to areas of specialization and interdisciplinary training Cost reduction Continued high production of Ph.D. graduates Strengthen HD bachelor’s degree as “bridge” to teaching, Ph.D. programs (e.g., doctoral programs in Counseling and Educational Psychology) Review course offerings and transform curricula Establish interdisciplinary research center Enhance partnerships internal and external to University Create articulation agreement with selected community colleges Increase external funding
HDCPES Revisions Human Development Program Counseling Psychology Program Retain BS degree Discontinue M.S. degree Revise B.S. curriculum and serve as “bridge program” to doctoral degree offerings Close Ed.D. program Retain M.A. program Retain Ph.D. program (not as a concentration of degree in education) Maintain APA accreditation of Ph.D. program
HDCPES Revisions School Psychology Program Counseling (Master’s) Program Close Ed.D program Retain M.A. program Merge M.Ed. in school psychology with M.Ed. in counseling psychology for degree in School Psychology and Counseling Services Retain Ph.D. program (not as a concentration of degree in education) Maintain NASP accreditation of Ph.D. program Secure APA accreditation for Ph.D. program Close M.A., M.Ed. programs in community counseling Close M.A., M.Ed. programs in counseling and guidance Merge M.Ed. in school psychology with M.Ed. in counseling psychology for degree in School Psychology and Counseling Services
HDCPES Revisions Educational Psychology Program Close M.Ed, Ed.D. programs Retain M.A. program Retain Ph.D. program (not as a concentration of degree in education)
Recap: Degree Offerings Transformation from 18 different degree offerings to 8 degree offerings: – 1 B.S. degree (Human Development) – 3 M.A. degrees (School Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Educational Psychology) – 1 M.Ed. degree (School Psychology and Counseling Services) – 3 Ph.D. degrees (Counseling Psychology, Educational Psychology, School Psychology)