OUR SOLAR SYSTEM By Joey Quattrini Our solar system includes 8 different planets. The solar system is very, very big. You could say massive also. The solar system has cold planets and warm planets.
The Sun The sun is the star that keeps our planet warm and bright. All the other planets orbit around the sun. The sun will burn out in about 100 billion years.
Mercury Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. No human can live on Mercury because it is hot enough to melt lead. Mercury is about the size of Earth’s moon.
Venus Venus is about as big as Earth. It is one of the brightest planets in the solar system. Venus has volcanoes, mountains, and craters.
Earth Earth is the planet we live on. Earth is the only planet with life on it in our solar system. It has more water than land.
Mars Mars looks fiery red down on Earth. Mars diameter is only half of Earth’s. Mars may have had water on it’s surface.
Asteroid Belt The asteroid belt separates the inner planets from the outer planets. It is made of lots of asteroids. The asteroid belt is very big.
Jupiter Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It has a diameter that is 11 times the diameter of Earth. Jupiter has a giant storm on it.
Saturn Saturn has rings that are visible from Earth with a telescope. Saturn has 31 moons. It has no solid surface.
Uranus Uranus is a gas giant. It rotates on its side as it orbits the sun. Uranus has at least 27 moons.
Neptune Neptune has at least 13 moons. It is one of the windiest places in our solar system. It’s atmosphere is mainly hydrogen and helium.
The Dwarf Planet Pluto Pluto is farthest from the sun. It is very, very cold on Pluto. Pluto is called a dwarf planet because it is too small to be a planet.
Telescope Telescopes are used to look at stars and planets. You can’t see the surface of a planet though. Telescopes can see very far in the sky.
Universe The universe is everything that exists in space. There are millions of galaxies in the universe. There are also millions of stars.
Constellations Constellations are pictures in the stars. One constellation you might know is the big dipper. Another one is the little dipper.
Galaxy Galaxies are systems of stars, gas, and dust. There are many galaxies in the universe. Galaxies are huge.
Orbit Earth orbits around the sun. All the other planets orbit around the sun too. It takes Earth 1 year to orbit around the sun.
Rotate It takes Earth 1 day to rotate on it’s axis. Rotate means to spin around. Earth rotates to get night and day.
Axis Earth tilts on it’s axis. That is why seasons change. An axis is an imaginary line that goes through both poles of the Earth.
Moon The moon is a small planet like body that orbits the Earth. The moon has many craters. Some of the other planets have moons too.
Star A star is a huge ball of superheated gases. There are many stars in the solar system. Stars make up constellations.
Asteroid Asteroids make up the asteroid belt. Some asteroids hit Earth. Some don’t hit Earth.
Moon Phases The moon phases are the shapes the moon seems to have. One phase is the full moon. Another phase is the new moon.
Comet There are many comets. Comets are like asteroids and meteors. It looks like comets have a trail of light.
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