The Weimar Republic From Democracy to Nazism
On the back… Based upon what you know about World War II, the Holocaust, and Adolf Hitler - how did he take over Germany?
“Stab in the Back” Nov Weimar Republic formed Nov Armistice signed by civilian representatives Versailles Treaty inflicted brutal punishment
Weimar Constitution President elected popularly Chancellor appointed by President Legislators elected through proportional representation to Reichstag Article 48 - Temporary dictatorship to solve crises
Weimar Culture Berlin became center of European culture Conservatives opposed changes All Quiet banned
Early 1920’s French occupy Ruhr Far-left and right groups fight for control Munich (Beer Hall) Putsch Hyperinflation
Hyperinflation Most workers were paid daily and given time to shop before the value of their wages fell further. Depositors received letters from their banks informing them their life savings were worth less then the administrative costs of maintaining their accounts. Young women who had been setting aside money for their dowries saw their savings evaporate, thus making a traditional German marriage impossible. A concert pianist would be paid with a suitcase of bills for his performance and exchange half of the bills for several sausages.
Late 1920’s Recovery based upon American loans 1929 Stock Market crash, Depression Taxes raised, wages and social programs cut 6 million unemployed workers
Political Crisis Coalitions collapse Parties unwilling to compromise President Hindenburg and Article 48 Extremists gain power Paramilitary groups roam cities
Hitler and Nazi Party As party leader, he gave numerous speeches blaming Germany’s new found weakness on the current politicians, the French, the communists, and the Jews
Philosophy of Hitler First outlined his political philosophy in Mein Kampf –Versailles Treaty must be repealed, it had dismantled the very nature of the Fatherland –All German-speaking people must be united in a single nation which therefore needed additional “living space” –Aryans are the highest form of life, must never intermingle with lesser races including Slavs and Jews; these groups must be separated from Aryans
Philosophy of Hitler After prison, Hitler reorganized Nazi party and developed a political platform that would utilize the democratic system to obtain power
National Socialist Platform Stop all compliance with the Versailles Treaty and punish those responsible for this “stab in the back” Rid Germany of corrupt non-Aryan influences, including the Jews who he said had an international plan to take over world Only allow people of German blood to be citizens
National Socialist Platform Rebuild greatness of the German army; build an unrivaled navy Unify the German peoples Rebuild the German economy without foreign influences – protecting German workers and farmers
National Socialist Platform Education in the name of the nation should be available to everyone and the press should have limitations placed on it All citizens have equal access to pensions and medical care in their old age
1932 Four parties vying for power Nazis receive 37% of vote - 2nd Hitler demands to be appointed Chancellor President Hindenburg believes it would keep him in check
Feb. 1933, Reichstag burned Consolidates power Nazis gain control Hindenburg dies Hitler declares himself Fuhrer
"Comrades, we stand firmly together for Germany, and we must stand firmly together for Germany. I am handing you the new insignia, knowing I place it in the most loyal hands in Germany. In the past you have proven your loyalty to me a thousand times. In the future it cannot and will not be any different!"