Moses at the Mountain Receiving the Ten Commandments
Review Questions Why were the people of Israel complaining? What did Moses do? What did God ask Moses to do? The rock is a symbol of_____________ and the water represents the ________________ Verse of the lesson: “Let _________ who is _________ come” (Revelation 22: ___) They were thirsty He prayed to God Take the Rod and hit the Rock Jesus Christ Holy Spirit him thirsty 17
People Prepare to Meet the Lord After 3 months leaving Egypt: The Lord told Moses that the people had to go to Sinai to meet the Lord.
Moses told the people to be ready for meeting the Lord by washing their clothes The people obeyed and confessed their sins and asked for forgiveness. People get ready
Love one another The people who were fighting had to forgive each other.
On the third day… mountain covered with smoke thunder and lightning and a thick cloud very loud trumpet blast
Review- What are the 10 Commandments ?