Enhancing the Dental Public Health Workforce & Infrastructure Kneka Smith, RDH, BS February 26-27, 2004 Washington, D.C.
Dental Public Health Is the science & art of preventing & controlling dental diseases and promoting dental health through organized community efforts
It is that form of dental practice which serves a community as the patient rather than the individual.
“While private dentistry fights in the trenches to deliver health care and education to individuals, public health dentistry surveys the battle field from the hill tops and tries to discern the needs of the community as a whole.” --Bob Sare
DPH Concerns Dental health education of the public Applied dental research Administration of programs Prevention & control of dental diseases on a community basis
Knowledge & Skills Oral Health Programs for Populations Disease Prevention & Control Strategies Ethical Standards Dental Care Delivery Systems Surveillance Systems Communication PH Policy, Legislation, Regulations Scientific Literature Conduct Studies
DPH is not just… ‘Welfare’ dentistry ‘Medicaid’ dentistry ‘Socialized’ dentistry Conducting surveys Fluoridation OSHA regulations Infection control Quality assurance Financial support for dental education Expanded functions for dental auxiliaries Provider of last resort
Community Dentistry isn’t DPH DPH isn’t Community Dentistry Community Dentistry Focus: clinical oral health care for individual patients Dental Public Health: oral health of groups of people
Dental Public Health Is… Concern for and activity directed toward the improvement & protection of the oral health for whole population.
Goal of Workshop
Objectives Brainstorm collaborative approaches to address DPH workforce shortage Develop a draft national action plan Establish core group to facilitate follow-up on action plan
Short-term Outcome Gain commitment from a variety of national organizations & agencies to implement an action plan to enhance the DPH workforce & infrastructure
Long-term Outcomes Increase capacity to recruit & retain a diverse and competent DPH workforce that can help to reduce the oral health disparities in underserved populations in the US
Shared Goal
Issues to Consider: Career Opportunity in DPH ‘Pipeline’ of DPH professionals Support of people in DPH positions Enhance skills in leading to improve the nation’s oral health
Introductions Name Organization You Represent Where You Work
Capacity a. Ability to perform or produce; capability. b. The maximum or optimum amount that can be produced Alternative: 1. The quality of being suitable for or receptive to specified treatment: the capacity of elastic to be stretched.
Infrastructure n 1: the basic framework or features of a system or organization