“FICTIONAL HEROES NEVER DIE!” “Real heroes are only human. They lived and die like the rest of us. But fictional heroes are different. They began life many years ago and they will live on in fiction in the future. Here are some favorite twentieth-century fictional heroes.” (Greenall 1995)
Teacher vs. Students You teacher will give you a series of clues about one specific fictional hero. If you can guess the name of the hero before he/she shows you the picture, you get a point. If you cannot guess the name of the hero, then he/she gets a point.
This Character… Who is he? Began in 1939 Saved Gotham City, with the help of Robin Has been fighting crime for 60 years Has three TV series, the most popular in 1960 Has films and movies Fights criminals like the Penguin, Catwoman and the Joker Who is he?
This Character… Who is he? “What’s up Doc?” (1937) Has been eating carrots Has appeared in comic books, newspaper strips and cartoon films As long as people laugh at rabbits Who is he?
This Character… Who is he? Has been living with pet Snoopy (1950) First appeared in Peanuts Has been playing baseball and going to school First appearance on TV was in 1965 Has made three cinema movies Who is he?
This Character… Who is he? Has been the husband of Wilma and father of Pebbles (1960) Best friends are Betty and Barney Rubble Has been living at 345 Cave Stone Road, in Bedrock “Yabba Dabba Do!” Who is he?
This Character… Who is he? Has been a Stoor Hobbit (1980) Was once known as Smeagul Has been living in Gladden Fields Possessed the One Ring “My Precious” Had his ring stolen by Bilbo Baggins Who is he?
This Character… Who is he? Has been working for the British Secret service, as spy 007 (1953) Fleming first wrote about him in Casino Royale First film was Dr. No (1962) Has appeared in over twenty films The Cold War has finished, Russians are not the enemy, but bad people are still out there Who is he?
This Character… Who is he? Has been singing and dancing on TV, as a green frog (1957) Became famous with the Muppets (1967) 235 million people in 100 countries have seen hundreds of Muppet shows There have also been three films Success has not changed him; he remains the same color Who is he?
This Character… Who is she? Has been a space fighting princess since 1977 Was adopted and raised by the Alderaan royal family Is the sister of Luke Skywalker and daughter of Darth Vader Has been in love with Han Solo since she first saw him Who is she?
This Character… Who is he? Was sent to Earth in a rocket, as an infant Raised as Clark Kent Has been wearing a red cape and fighting crime, since 1938 Has been in hundreds of comics and movies Who is he?
Teacher ? Students ?