Types of sewing machine
Types of sewing machine Sewing machines may either be domestic or industrial. Domestic sewing machines are manufactured for the home use, they come in different types: (a) hand , (b) treadle and (c) electric. Industrial sewing machines are used mostly in factories and industries. Most sewing machine operate by electricity.
Straight Stitch Sewing Machine This type of machine does straight stitch only. The needle moves up and down in a straight line as it enters the fabric. There are newer machines on the market that does a number of different types of stitches eg. Ziz zag, buttonhole, feather stitch.
Automatic/ electric sewing machine These sewing machines operate with slant needles and does straight and zig zag stitches. They built –in discs called cams, these can be changed to produce a variety of decorative stitches. These machines can perform functions such as:- sewing on buttons, making button holes and blind hemming.
Electronic /computerized sewing machine Most modern type of machine It can be operated at a number of speeds at the touch of a finger. They have special features such as :- preset stitches and functions Can spool to bobbins while stitching Have a variety of decorative stitches
Serger/ overlock machine This type of machine is used for neatening raw edges such as seams . It trims as it sews. It also stitch seams and neaten them at the same time.