What is Education Policy
Last week… Introduction to Comparative Education Role of education models to compare Various forms of comparative analysis Mapping the field of Comparative Education Historical Expansion of Educational Opportunity. Role of International Organizations.
This week… What is education policy How do we judge if a policy is successful The Eightfold Path Synthesizing research to inform policy. Advancing Gender equity. What role for a Ministry to support reform?
Transnational Space Multilateral (Intergovernmental) Organizations UUNN Multilateral Development Institutions. World Bank. UNESCO. Regional Banks. Bilateral Development Agencies (JICA, USAID, CIDA, GTZ) International Non-Governmental Organizations (Faith based Organizations, Save the Children) Consulting Firms, Think Tanks and Universities Interest Groups
Levers for change Advocacy Creating a legal framework Exchange of experiences Building Capacity Providing technical assistance Providing funding http://www.unesco.org/uil/litbase/?menu=4
http://www.un.org/Overview/rights.html Article 26. (1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. (2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. (3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.
Examples of Global Initiatives to achieve the goals of the declaration Education for All Global Action Plan Education for All Fast Track Initiative United Nations Girls Education Initiative InterAgency Standing Committee Cluster for Education In Emergencies
UN Education First Initiative Access Quality Global Education
How do we know if a policy is successful? Did Fundescola Work? How would Narand know? What influence it’s success/failure? What are the lessons for other reformers?
Equality of Educational Opportunity The likelihood that any person in a given country can enroll in an educational institution, be supported to learn at high levels, complete and proceed to the next existing level and type of education, independently of characteristics other than effort and ability, and in particular independently of their social class of origin, race, gender and location of residence.
How do we measure progress? Inputs Per pupil Spending Processes Structures, Curriculum Outputs Educational Attainment, Literacy Outcomes Employment and Productivity, Political Participation, Social Capital
Key Indicators Gross Enrollment Rates Net Enrollment Rates Repetition Rates Student Flows –completion rates— Learning Skills
Dimensions of educational inequality: · Racial Inequality · Gender Inequality · Cast Inequality · Socio-economic inequality · Regional inequality
What is equality of educational opportunity? Conservative Definition (Position in the social structure determines education chances) Liberal Definition (Equality of Treatment) Progressive Definition (Equality of Outcomes requires inequality of treatment. Positive Discrimination).
Equality of Educational Opportunity Equality of Outcomes (Social and Cultural Capital) Options in Life. Equality of Learning Outputs Equality of Processes Equality of Inputs Equality of Access
Equality of Inputs Per-Pupil expenditures Teacher characteristics Instructional Resources Physical facilities Learning outputs and outcomes from prior levels. The role of school segregation
Equality of Processes Instructional Practices Teacher responsiveness Time on task Fit between curriculum and student background Language of instruction
Equality of Outputs Results tied to curriculum objectives Academic Skills Educational Attainement
Equality of Outcomes Equal Freedom Equal Capabilities (not functionings) Equal Social Capital Equal Cultural Capital