The Integrated Life Science (ILS) Learning Community at The University of Maryland Dr. Boots Quimby Associate Director
BIO 2010 Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians Vision and Change 1) Discrete subjects integrated sciences 2) Memorizing “required” knowledge mastering competencies 3) Passive lectures active engagement, group learning, inquiry-based learning, etc. 4) Overall goal - “how to think like scientists” Birth of ILS
ILS Mission To inspire, educate and launch the careers of talented honors students in all aspects of the life sciences
Four Aspects to the program Academic Research Community Service
Academics Fours academic courses taken over two years Organismal Biology Genes and Genomics Mathematical Modeling or Cell Biology Research and Applications in Life Science Todd Cooke Raymond St. Leger Jonathan Simon Boots Quimby
Research Required to complete 240 hours of life science mentored research 60% of students complete the research requirement the summer after their freshman year
Community Live together on a single dormitory floor First year is required Second year is optional Staff offices are in the dormitory ILS Provides a variety of academic and social activities
Service Service Learning Course Students complete 12 hours of service with set service partners Focuses on 3 areas related to the life sciences Social determinants of health STEM education Sustainability
ILS Students Majors 70% Biological Sciences 15% Bioengineering 10% Biochemistry 5% other Career goals 80% medical school 20% graduate school
Retention Rates First Year: 87% Second Year: 94%
Assessment Course pre- and post-surveys Student perceptions surveys Focus groups
Results Students have an enhanced awareness of the multidisciplinary nature of science We are meeting our targeted Vision and Change Core Concepts for Biological literacy and Disciplinary Practice Students feel a strong sense of belonging, social support, and positive peer interactions both academically and socially Sense of belonging and social support is correlated with GPA
Conclusions The ILS program is an effective model for implementing the new reforms in undergraduate biology education. Integration of a social-cultural component through a living-learning aspect of the program is a critical element for successful implementation.
Challenges Competition Faculty interactions Diversity