Can we combine prevention of flood disasters with development of nature?


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Presentation transcript:

Can we combine prevention of flood disasters with development of nature?

International Scientiffic Conference Towards natural flood reduction strategies Warsaw, 6-13 September 2003 International Workshop for stakeholders in flood management, Natural flood defences: practical constraints and opportunities Delft, January 2004 Highlights : Floodplains do effectively retain flood water Floodplains comprise valuable ecosystems Floodplains serve many other valuable functions (social and economic) Floodplains can be restored New (EU) policy frameworks are an opportunity to a more integrated approach and a linkage of disciplines Scientific knowledge is available, but must now be translated into practise Active involvement of the public/stakeholders makes new flood management strategies successful Questiones : How to create social commitment? How are Natural Flood Defences realised? How do user functions and land use change as a result of Natural Flood Defences? What other problems can be encountered, and is it possible to reshape them to successes? What are the practical constraints & opportunites of NFD?

Can we combine prevention of flood disasters with development of nature? Guidelines for the implementation of natural flood defences London, June 2004 International Scientiffic Conference Towards natural flood reduction strategies Warsaw, 6-13 September 2003 International Workshop for stakeholders in flood management, Natural flood defences: practical constraints and opportunities Delft, January 2004

Main topic for the discussion(s): What are YOUR most important points that should be in the Guidelines? Guidelines for the implementation of natural flood defences London, June 2004