Bipolar Disorder Elizabeth Hughes 3/6/13 3rd period
Names for Bipolar Disorder Bipolar Disorder has many different medical terms such as: Manic Depression Manic Depressive Illness Bipolar Mood Disorder Bipolar Affective Disorder *Manic Depression is the commonly used name for Bipolar Disorder.
Causes The cause of Bipolar Disorder is not entirely known. However, genetic, neurochemical, and environmental factors most likely play a key role in this disorder. Genetic Factors: "runs in the family" or a person with an identical twin with the disorder Neurochemical Factors: Bipolar disorder is primarily a biological disorder. The disorder can be dormant, but after psychological stress it may be triggered. Environmental Factors: a life event may trigger the disorder, altered health habits, alcohol or drug abuse, or hormonal problems.
Target Population Bipolar Disorder affects about 2 million people in the United States alone a year. Men and Women can be affected equally. Lower socioeconomic class levels have a slightly higher rate of bipolar disorder. Average age: early 20s * There have been reports of Bipolar Disorder in children at an elementary grade level Transmission: Bipolar Disorder is transmitted genetically. *If your parents have bipolar disorder, you have a higher chance of having the disorder than a child with parents without the disorder.
Where & How Bipolar Disease affects the CNS/PNS Bipolar Disorder affects the brain and the behavior of a person. Researchers are not completely sure which parts of the CNS and PNS are affected by Bipolar Disorder.
Symptoms Manic Phase: heightened sense of self importance decreased need for sleep impulsiveness poor concentration rash spending sprees irritability aggressive behavior Depressed Phase: sadness or hopefulness difficulty sleeping loss of energy sense of guilt low self- esteem difficulty concentrating talk of suicide or death
Prognosis Medical evidence shows that patients suffering from Bipolar disorder have higher death rates from suicide and heart problems. It is not yet clear how often childhood bipolar disorder continues into adulthood or if treating the disorder early on can prevent future illness.
Treatment? Hospitalization: If you're behaving dangerously or having thoughts of suicide, the doctor may put you in a hospital. Initial Treatment: You will begin taking medications to balance your moods, and eventually find a steady medication to take long-term. Continued Treatment: Maintenance treatment is used to be sure the patient does not relapse into their symptoms or have episodes mania or depression. Substance Abuse Treatment: Substance abuse can make it very difficult to treat bipolar disorder. The substance abuse has to be treated on top of the bipolar disorder.
Notable Cases Ben Stiller(comedian, actor): Admitted to having bipolar disorder in 2005, it runs in his family. Kurt Cobain(Nirvana leading man): His family suffered from multiple mental disorders. He committed suicide in Abraham Lincoln(US President): He battled suicidal thoughts due to Bipolar Disorder.
Organizations and Medical Facilities International Bipolar Foundation You can volunteer and donate. Gives people with the disorder advice on how to cope with it. Morningside Recovery A recovery and treatment center for people who suffer from Bipolar Disorder illness/bipolar/?cpao=111&cpca=WP+Mental+Illness+Tr eatment&cpag=B_Bipolar+Facility+HS&kw=%2Bbipolar %20%2Bfacility&gclid=CMOmssLe5rUCFQ4GnQodljM ACA
Citations of-bipolar-disorder-manic-depression/ disorder/default.htm