Further Maths presentation for parents / carers (delete this slide)


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Further Maths presentation for parents / carers (delete this slide) These slides form an approximately 20-30 minute presentation for parents/carers about the importance of studying maths/FM at A level. They could be adapted to be used for a careers/further maths presentation at a school. Some slides will change under the new A level specification. Please add or remove slides to suit your talk/event

Why study Mathematics A level? A guide for Parents and Carers

Frequently asked questions… What is further mathematics? What is Decision mathematics? Mechanics? Statistics? What GCSE grade in mathematics will be needed as an entry requirement for A level mathematics? Why should my son/daughter study mathematics post- 16? What are the career opportunities after A-levels? Isn’t further mathematics A level just for boys who want to be engineers?

Frequently asked questions… What do Universities state as entry criteria for mathematics and related degrees? My son/daughter loves mathematics – how can they be challenged? What possibilities are there if the local sixth form does not offer further mathematics? This presentation will address these questions and more…

What is Further Mathematics? Mathematics and Further Mathematics can both be taken at either AS level or at A level. An AS level usually takes one year and it consists of three units; an A level usually takes two years and it consists of six units. Further Mathematics is an additional AS/A level qualification taken alongside the usual AS/A level mathematics course. It is designed to stretch and challenge able mathematicians and prepare them for university courses in mathematics and related quantitative and scientific subjects.

Mathematics and Further Mathematics -example plan of a student taking full A-levels in both subjects Scores in AS Units are counted again as part of the A-level qualification. AS Maths Core 1 Core 2 Applied Unit 1 A-level Maths Core 3 Core 4 Applied Unit 2 AS Further Maths Further Pure 1 Applied Unit 3 Applied Unit 4 A-level Further Maths Further Pure 2 Further Pure 3 Applied Unit 5 Applied Units cover statistics, mechanics or decision mathematics

What is Decision mathematics? Mechanics? Statistics? These are all examples of applied units at A-level: Decision Maths - finding efficient solutions to real life problems e.g. what would be the most efficient route for delivering post around a network of streets? This topic uses algorithms which are vital in computer science. (Image taken from http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/sites/default/files/files/FSMA%20Chinese%20postman%20problems%20student.pdf)

What is Decision mathematics? Mechanics? Statistics? Mechanics – modelling the physics of the world around us e.g. at what angle should a cricketer aim to hit the ball in order to maximise the distance the ball will travel? Students planning careers in physics or engineering would find mechanics particularly useful.

What is Decision mathematics? Mechanics? Statistics? Statistics – collecting and analysing data and using this to make predictions about future events. e.g. actuaries study statistical information to calculate the risk of a driver of a certain age having a car accident. This information would be used by insurers in establishing the cost of the annual premiums.

What GCSE grade in mathematics will be needed as an entry requirement? Generally at least a grade B to study AS or A-level mathematics Usually an A or A* for AS or A-level further mathematics Check with the school or college to which your son/daughter is applying. If your son/daughter’s school offer qualifications in addition to GCSE Mathematics, such as the Level 2 Further mathematics qualification, that would be helpful additional preparation for A-level.

Why study Mathematics post-16? The numbers of students studying mathematics is rising rapidly.

Why study Mathematics post-16? Further Mathematics numbers are rising rapidly too, especially at AS level

Why study Mathematics post-16? Further Mathematics was the third fastest growing subject in 2013 <check year – is the growth since 2005?>

Why study Mathematics post-16? In 2005, Mathematics was the fourth popular subject at A-level….

Most popular A level subjects …by 2013, the numbers had grown by around 35,000 students and Mathematics was the second popular subject. Further Mathematics numbers had more than doubled!

Why study Mathematics post-16? Students who take Mathematics and Further Mathematics will: develop wider skills such as problem-solving, communication and logical reasoning; gain increased knowledge and understanding of mathematics and how it is applied; achieve high levels of confidence and enjoyment. develop skills which support their other A levels, especially subjects such as physics, chemistry and economics.

What are the career opportunities after A-levels?

What are the career opportunities after A-levels? Common career misconceptions: You only do a maths degree to become a maths teacher. Further Maths is an A level just for students who want to become engineers or physicists. Unless you plan to do a STEM degree, you don’t need maths at A level. Most careers that require maths A level are male- dominated.

What are the career opportunities after A-levels? The Government has identified huge shortages of people with STEM skills needed to enter the workforce and is funding and promoting projects such as the FMSP and Your Life to fill the gap. There are many new applications of mathematics: Games Design Internet Security Programming Communications © Ironclad Games Corporation Vancouver, BC.

What are the career opportunities after A-levels? On-going applications in engineering, such as Aircraft Modelling Fluid Flows Acoustic Engineering Electronics Civil Engineering. …and new scientific processes such as modelling populations and Diseases Quantum Physics, Astronomy, Forensics and DNA sequencing.

What are the career opportunities after A-levels? Financial systems and online purchasing systems are also underpinned by mathematics, relying heavily on online security and encryption. GCHQ has the largest group of mathematicians working anywhere in the country! GCHQ

What are the career opportunities after A-levels? Maths is the only A level proven to increase earnings in later life - by an average of 10%. (Source www.gov.uk/government/speeches/elizabeth-truss-on-support-for-maths-and-science- teaching)

What are the career opportunities after A-levels? Gender Girls made up over half of the A level cohort in 2013; however, only 40% of the A level mathematicians and around 30% of the A level Further Mathematicians were female. It is vital that girls are encouraged to study mathematics and further mathematics to ensure they achieve their potential in these subjects and have the full range of career opportunities open to them post-16. Parents and carers can play a key role in positively influencing girls’ A level choices towards mathematics.

What are the career opportunities after A-levels? “…what was once the domain of the exceptionally gifted has become the currency of how we live. Maths is the universal language of the modern world - and across every career and every discipline, its importance will only grow. That is why I want to see more girls taking maths…” Elizabeth Truss, Education Minister

What do Universities state as entry criteria for mathematics and related degrees? For progression to maths-rich/STEM courses at university it is important to have strong maths skills Any student applying to study a degree in a STEM subject should consider taking Further Mathematics to at least AS level – this qualification is accessible to most A level Mathematics students and not just for the most able students. A level mathematics is also essential or desirable for a wide range of other degree courses including economics, computing, social sciences and business.

What do Universities state as entry criteria for mathematics and related degrees? Mathematics degrees 46% of all Maths degrees encourage FM 74% of Russell Group Maths degrees encourage FM Physics degrees <enter data>

What do Universities state as entry criteria for mathematics and related degrees? Geography degrees <enter data> Economics degrees

What do Universities state as entry criteria for mathematics and related degrees? “Applications from individuals offering either Further Mathematics A Level, Further Maths AS Level at grade A, Merit in Edexcel AEA or grade 2 in Cambridge STEP in Maths are viewed favourably; none of these are required, but they will all be good preparation for university mathematics, and may be included in an offer.” Loughborough University, Mathematics “We accept a range of subjects for the second and third A level provided that they include a good balance of subjects. Physics and/or Further Mathematics are recommended but not mandatory.” University of Bath, Civil Engineering

What do Universities state as entry criteria for mathematics and related degrees? Those students who had studied further mathematics to A or AS level standard reported coping better with the mathematical content of the degree, and as such perceived that they required less additional support throughout their studies. Many students and academics felt that studying further mathematics should therefore be made a requirement of studying physics or engineering at university. Institute of Physics ‘Mind the Gap’ report 2010

What do Universities state as entry criteria for mathematics and related degrees? <get new student quotes here that are positive about the actual subject content and can identify how it has helped in their degree>

What do Universities state as entry criteria for mathematics and related degrees? For any degree course in a mathematics or a related subject, look at the entry criteria on the individual University’s website. Sometimes a qualification in Further Mathematics will reduce the grade required in another subject. Look at www.ucas.ac.uk for additional information.

My son/daughter loves mathematics – how can they be stretched? Study Further Mathematics Participate in the UKMT Senior Maths Challenge or Senior Team Challenge. Enter additional qualifications such as the Advanced Extension Award (AEA), STEP papers (required for entry to some Universities, including Cambridge) or MAT (required for entrance to Oxford University).

What possibilities are there if the local sixth form does not offer further mathematics? The Further Maths Support Programme (FMSP) provides support to schools, teachers and students – see www.furthermaths.org.uk for more information. Specific support includes: Information and resources to help promote Further Mathematics; Live or online tuition for Further Mathematics; Support from Area Co-ordinators in establishing Further Mathematics provision within the school/college.

The Further Mathematics Support Programme Our aim is to increase the uptake of AS and A level Further Mathematics to ensure that more students reach their potential in mathematics. The FMSP works closely with school/college maths departments to provide professional development opportunities for teachers and maths promotion events for students. To find out more please visit www.furthermaths.org.uk