{ Career Exploration May 4-6 Seattle
Trip will help you understand careers available in Seattle and what you need to do to prepare. Fly in May 3; visits May 4-6 Trip will include 15 students Dr. Deanne Brocato & Dr. Kristal Ray, faculty Erin Mann, staff Overview
Tableau Amazon Nordstrom Seattle Seahawks Other visits coming Visits
Network with professionals Network with alumni Explore job opportunities Sightseeing Resume builder Benefits
Flights Food Sightseeing costs Car rental Hotel Hotel and car costs paid to school since we will book the hotel Total expected cost: ~$700 Students Costs
Arrange own flights May arrange to fly with friends May fly into Seattle-Tacoma Intl Airport King County International Airport Check Google, Aifarewatchdog, Kayak, etc for best prices You may stay longer than Wednesday and do your own sightseeing/touring Flights
Staying at Marriot, Seattle Downtown 1800 Yale Ave, Seattle, WA Students are strongly encouraged to stay at hotel Should be about $ per night (Depending on number of students) Hotels
Please contact Erin Mann - Dr. Deanne Brocato – Dr. Kristal Ray – To register: huntsman.usu.edu/trips Questions?