How do I manage my work as well as possible? Know who is responsible for what Three key parties: 1.The student (you) 2.Your supervisor 3.Your unit/UCC Who is responsible for what? Make three lists! Teams of three: one play each role 15 minutes
The ‘official position’
UCC Code of Practice: Duties of a postgraduate student 1.Maintain a professional relationship 2.Maintain regular communications with supervisor(s) 3.Record plans of work, and any changes 4.Fulfill requirements of your doctoral programme: completion of academic and/or training modules; 5.Be familiar with the University’s and department’s regulations and the administrative requirements
Duties of a postgraduate student 6.Familiar with Postgraduate Research Student Handbook 7.Initiative in identifying problems that impede the progress; seek solutions ; familiar with procedures and supports 8.Collaboration? Clarity on explanation of the contribution you have made – work by others explicitly defined and acknowledged
Duties of a postgraduate student You will receive advice and feedback from your Supervisor(s) participate in annual formal reviews Thus, you must: 9.Agree on type of guidance and feedback & regular formal meetings to review progress 10.Present reports or other written material 11.Participate in review and evaluation procedures
Duties of a supervisor 1.Guidance and support on the student’s research topic, Planning academic standard 2.Professional, constructive and effective relationship 3.Highest ethical and academic standards, aware of regulations Policies codes of practice
Duties of a supervisor 4.Regular communications with the student 5.Advise on selection of academic and/or training modules / facilitate training needs 6.Encourage Publications colloquia, seminars Conferences 7.Leaves of absence (longer than a month) – ensure that alternative supervisory arrangements
Duties of a supervisor 8.Advice and support on the submission & Prep for viva 9.Review the student’s progress structured manner ongoing basis formal and/or informal formal annual review Graduate Studies Committee. 10.Regular formal meetings to monitor and review research progress
Duties of a supervisor 11.Regular written work interim reports or research results agreed timeline prompt and constructive feedback 12.Student familiar with reporting and review requirements 13.Providing formal written annual reports if required. 14.Student is made aware of unsatisfactory progress In writing Suggesting ways of addressing them.
Responsibilities of the Academic Unit 1.Access to adequate resources, facilities and equipment 2.Confirming adequate supervision arrangements. 3.Provide support and oversight of progress, through its Graduate Studies Committee l Programme Board?
Responsibilities of the Academic Unit 4.Head of Unit to assign student to one Graduate Studies Committee 5.GSC responsibility – monitor and support progress l Transfer Masters/PhD track to PhD programmes l Assisting supervisors l Improving the research student experience l Local resolution of problems
Responsibilities of the Academic Unit 6.GSC identify staff responsible for the review and verify that such reviews have taken place. 7.GSC info & guidance to supervisors and students regarding policy and procedures l Postgraduate Research Studies Handbook 8.GSC accurate records l procedures, activities and meetings, including annual reviews of student progress, are kept within the unit. 9.Academic Unit ultimate responsibility to the Student for the supervision of the research.
Structuring the discussion Research Student Learning Plans Aim is to clarify expectations and roles at the start of study Use to structure the discussion with your supervisor(s)