Royal Online Mtg August 20, 2013 Updated Forms & Procedures
Mtg Agenda Welcome and Introduction Meeting Overview and Notes Importance of Using Updated Forms Updated Forms Event Roster Membership Application Questions and Suggestions on Subject Open Questions and Suggestions Wrap-up and Thank Yous Next Online Meeting, Sept 12, 2013, 6pm (Pacific Time)
Why Change? We are an ever-growing Organization To stay fresh and stay inspired We listen to our members to learn their needs and expectations and implement what we can To improve and “hopefully” simplify systems for members, the royal court and headquarters To extend our reach and help more woman
Latest Updated Forms Event Roster Membership Form
Event Roster Problem: Difference in point totals on members between Headquarters and Chapters. Expired members effect point totals for all attendees. Solution: Ask members to sign in and list their expiration date. Thereby teaching the member to pay attention to their expiration dates listed on their ID cards. Bring to the Queen’s and Princesses attention the members in the Chapter that are expired.
Membership Application Problem: Old applications are being sent in with incomplete information. Without an address members cannot login to the website and take advantage of point earning features ie. Recipes, poetry. Without access to the website members miss out on members discounts/benefits. Solution: Provide the most updated members application on the website for Queens and Princesses to distribute.
Questions & Suggestions on Subject
Open Discussion Open for Questions, Suggestions
Thank You! Thanks so much for attending!! Hope to see you here next month! Next Mtg September 12, 2013, 6pm (PT)