Creating Good Study Habits Using SQ3R
2 SQ3R A reading strategy directly taught Develops study skills A life long skill that aids in reading comprehension
What does it mean? What does it mean? What does it mean? 3
4 S = Survey Look over whole chapter BEFORE reading: Read the title Read headings and subheadings Look at pictures, charts, maps, graphs, and read information under each Read chapter introduction, new words, and summary Read chapter questions if any Notice reading aids—italics, bold face print
5 Q = Question Write down any chapter questions you will need to answer Put them aside to answer later Put them aside to answer later List new vocabulary words to define Turn headings into questions Use chapter questions to help using “who, what, when, where, why and how” words Use chapter questions to help using “who, what, when, where, why and how” words
6 R #1 = Read Just concentrate on the reading!! After each paragraph, ask: What is the main idea? What is the main idea? What are important details about the main idea? What are important details about the main idea?
7 R #2 = Recite This is a very important step! After reading each paragraph take a few seconds to think about what you have read: Talk out loud Oral note taking HighlightingUnderlining Recall your questions—can you answer them? If not, look back at the information.
8 R #3 = Review Try to remember what was in each section of the lesson: What were the main points? Can you answer the questions? If not, look back and refresh your memory. Define vocabulary