California State University 23 Campuses 23 Campuses Hundreds of Majors Hundreds of Majors Simple Application Simple Application Some are Selective Some are Selective Two tier selection index Two tier selection index Students in service areas (Sac State) admitted at 2900 Students in service areas (Sac State) admitted at 2900 Students outside of service area admitted at higher # Students outside of service area admitted at higher #
CSU Eligibility Index 2900 to be eligible for CSU Weighted 10 – 12* Academic GPA Weighted 10 – 12* Academic GPA Multiply by 800 Multiply by 800 Add SAT Math Add SAT Math Add SAT Reading Add SAT Reading Equals Eligibility Index Score Equals Eligibility Index Score *Except CalPoly which uses 9 – 12 *Except CalPoly which uses 9 – 12
ACT 694 to be eligible 694 to be eligible G.p.a. x 200 G.p.a. x x ACT Composite + 10 x ACT Composite = Selection Index = Selection Index
Impacted Schools Eligibility Index determines qualifying score Eligibility Index determines qualifying score Many CSU’s have a lower selection index for students within their service areas Many CSU’s have a lower selection index for students within their service areas Eligibility index different within Eligibility index different within Colleges Colleges Programs Programs Majors Majors Universities Universities
Preparing to Apply Disable pop up blockers Disable pop up blockers Turn off all electronic interruptions Turn off all electronic interruptions Unofficial transcript Unofficial transcript SAT scores SAT scores Valid credit card Valid credit card
Information you need to know CSIS Number Located on the bottom left corner of transcript as “State ID#” Located on the bottom left corner of transcript as “State ID#” Rocklin High CEEB Code Parent income (adjusted gross from this year) Estimate Estimate Has no bearing on admission Has no bearing on admission
What you don’t need Official Transcript Official Transcript Essay Essay Letter of recommendation Letter of recommendation List of activities, awards, service, employment* List of activities, awards, service, employment* * Calpoly asks 4 questions relative to your major or leadership. * Calpoly asks 4 questions relative to your major or leadership.
Open an account Open an account Professional address Professional address Check it regularly Check it regularly Use for nearly all college correspondence Use for nearly all college correspondence Apply to individual campuses Apply to individual campuses Pay fee for each school $55 Pay fee for each school $55
How do I apply? Self report all college prep courses from high school – start now using the High School Planner Self report all college prep courses from high school – start now using the High School Planner Include college classes during the grade level they were taken Include college classes during the grade level they were taken Include college classes you will take in fall & spring of senior year Include college classes you will take in fall & spring of senior year Do include any repeated courses Do include any repeated courses
SAT & ACT Scores Send SAT scores directly to CSUMentor with code all campuses will access them there Send SAT scores directly to CSUMentor with code 3594 all campuses will access them there
Submit Review all content before submitting Review all content before submitting Complete all courses submitted as planned or in progress Complete all courses submitted as planned or in progress Anything additional to the application must be submitted directly to the admissions office dropped classes, etc. Anything additional to the application must be submitted directly to the admissions office dropped classes, etc. PRINT a hard copy and SAVE IT! PRINT a hard copy and SAVE IT!
Deadline CSU Deadline is November 30 th CSU Deadline is November 30 th That’s the SATURDAY of Thanksgiving break That’s the SATURDAY of Thanksgiving break Make your deadline well before leaving for Thanksgiving break! Make your deadline well before leaving for Thanksgiving break!
What about a transcript? Most CSUs will only request a GRADUATION transcript Most CSUs will only request a GRADUATION transcript Some will request a 7 th semester transcript while evaluating Some will request a 7 th semester transcript while evaluating Some will request a 7 th semester transcript with your intent to enroll deposit Some will request a 7 th semester transcript with your intent to enroll deposit Eventually all colleges will verify applications with the graduation transcript - Eventually all colleges will verify applications with the graduation transcript -
Offers of Admission May come as late as April – A few in fall May come as late as April – A few in fall May come at different times for different applicants May come at different times for different applicants Can be rescinded Can be rescinded Reply as soon as you have made your decision Reply as soon as you have made your decision Schools have been known to fill up before May 1 st Schools have been known to fill up before May 1 st Many schools don’t require $ with intent to enroll Many schools don’t require $ with intent to enroll Housing (will require a separate application) might fill up if you wait until May 1 st Housing (will require a separate application) might fill up if you wait until May 1 st
Rescinded Admission Failure to complete senior year can result in the offer of admission being withdrawn. Failure to complete senior year can result in the offer of admission being withdrawn. Summer 2010, SJSU was forced to withdraw admission offers from 150 freshmen who, upon final review of their transcripts did not meet CSU minimum requirements. Summer 2010, SJSU was forced to withdraw admission offers from 150 freshmen who, upon final review of their transcripts did not meet CSU minimum requirements. YOU MUST FINISH STRONG! YOU MUST FINISH STRONG!
Will go live October 1 st Will go live October 1 st Use High School Planner now to begin Use High School Planner now to begin Take a look at the printable version of the application which is available now. Take a look at the printable version of the application which is available now. nts/applicationbooklet-undergrad.pdf nts/applicationbooklet-undergrad.pdf