Flag Football
What is Flag Football? Flag is a modified version of tackle football and provides participants with the opportunity to develop many of the same skills, tactics and strategies without significant physical contact.
Objective Two teams of five players To outscore your opponents by scoring touchdowns One team on the offence has possession of the ball and attempts to move the ball across the goal line They do so by passing and running the ball The opposition on the defence stops them Players attempt to stop the ball carrier by removing their flags
Equipment Shoes Football Flags Pylons to mark boundaries
Positions Quarterback (QB) Captain on the offense QB calls the offensive plays QB stands behind the Center and receives the ball in what is called a “snap” QB has the option to hand off the ball or pass the football
Center (C) Snaps the football to the QB Center then can run out for a pass
Wide Receiver The WR catches the passes made by the QB WR can take a handoff May be up to three WR on the offence
Some Wide Receiver Routes
Running Back (RB) RB stands behind or next to the QB and is responsible for receiving handoffs RB also catches passes from the QB
Defensive Backs (DB) All defensive positions are called DBs DB stops players on the offence by intercepting the football or by slapping the ball away. DB tries to pull the flag of the player who is possession of the ball.
Centre QB Wide Receiver Wide Receiver RB
Possession There are no kickoffs. The offensive team takes possession of the ball at its 5- yard line and has three plays (downs) to cross midfield. If the offensive team fails to cross midfield, possession of the ball changes and the opposition starts its drive from its 5-yard line.
Scoring Touchdown: 6 Points
Running on Offense The Center is the Player who gives the ball to the Quarterback via a snap. QB can then pass the ball to one of their receivers or pass the ball off. QB has 7 seconds to pass the ball. QB can choose to run with the ball.
If another player on the defense catches the ball, they can run with it. (Interception) If the ball is not caught then it is a dead ball.
Offside If a player is in front of the line of scrimmage before the ball is snapped.
Typical Field Dimensions