EMOTION POTIONS Brogan Kelly Megan Sam Skye W Toocky Presents… Curly Camel Enterprises Pty Ltd
Our idea Have you ever needed the courage to stand up to someone, the willpower to start an assignment or the passion for a one night stand? Then visit our website and become a whole new person with an emotion potion!
Our Concept Flash Intro = viewers are briefly walked into shop as an introduction and a way to set the scene. Homepage = when you enter the website your greeted by the old witch that is the creator of the emotion potions. You are then given 2 options – browse premade potions or be interactive and create your own potions with guidance from the witch’s infamous recipe book. Premade potions = enter the old dusty cupboard that is filled with various emotion potions. Simply click on a preferred potion and a pop up window will appear with an enlarged image of the chosen potion, the ingredients and specific music will be playing that suits the mood of the potion. Interactive potions = Everyday ingredients are presented on shelves, then give you the opportunity to drag down these items into the witch’s cauldron and create your own special emotion potion. Once an item has been dropped into the cauldron a blast of smoke erupts to show the item has been added to the concoction. You are also given the option to read the witch’s infamous recipe book for guidance. Cart = Witches arm is in the bottom corner of the screen. When you wish to add an item to the cart, you simply drag it over her arm and it will appear in her hand. Along her fingers will be options such as checkout.
Key areas IT: We need to cover php interaction with the mysql server and action script. Also data integrity such as security, atomic commits etc DESIGN: New Learning: Drawing illustrations, 3D drawing, flash animation tutorials, dreamweaver Research: magical cartoons, potion ingredients, bottle and label design, various music for alternative emotions and emotions in general!
Timeline Week 4: Concept created – initial ideas and brainstorming Research Week 5: Concept and ideas – Witch, Arm as shopping cart down the bottom Expectations Research – more online shopping ideas, magic potions, witches’ Week6: Presentation – of your concepts Kelly, Brogan, Megan and Skye: more research on images and fonts, start illustrations for witch, potion bottles, different font, ingredients, cardboard, shop background. All visuals should be decided Sam and Toocky: Get PHP to connect to MY SQL Sam and Toocky: Get flash to interact with PHP Week 7: Continue finishing illustrations Continue get PHP to connect to MY SQL Continue get flash to interact with PHP
Week 8: Have Illustrations mostly completed, ready for animation Shopping cart done (PHP) and start checkout Check progress, discuss possibility of accounts Week 9: More illustrating changing of witches face Recipe book design and functioning Music/sound: Bottles tinkering, bubbling noises etc Further discussion make sure we are caught up Week 10: Begin animations in flash Finish checkout system Week 11: Testing of animation and functions Finish checkout system rigorous testing Week 12: Further testing & debugging Finishing touches Week 13: WEBSITE DUE: HAND IT IN
Peace Out!!!!!!