RangeMin Rounds & Chrono8 Total169
10m 20m 22m Range 1 A 23m x 25m Use this area with CAUTION! This area is behind the cable. RANGE OFFICER BRIEFING Stage 1: Mayhem (Paul) Targets:13 IPSC Targets 5 Pepper Poppers Scoring:Comstock Distance: m Min. Rounds:31 Start:Audible Signal Stop:Last shot Briefing:Shooter starts in Box A, hands relaxed at sides. Handgun in ready condition and holstered. Shoot targets as they become visible while remaining in demarcated area. Penalties:As per latest IPSC rules. A
10m 20m Range 2 12m x 25m Tree RANGE OFFICER BRIEFING Stage 2: Windows (Johan) Targets:12 IPSC Targets 1 Plate Scoring:Comstock Distance:2 - 20m Min. Rounds:25 Start:Audible Signal Stop:Last shot Briefing:Start seated hands on knees, gun unloaded, holstered and one magazine on belt. A loaded magazine is placed at A3,. On the signal engage targets through apertures A1 to A4. Penalties:As per latest IPSC rules. T1 T2 T3T4 T5T8 T6 T9 T7 T10 T12 T11 A1 A2 A3A4
RANGE OFFICER BRIEFING Stage 3: COF Name (LOUWRENS) Targets:6 IPSC Classic Targets 2 Pepper Poppers 2 Plates Scoring:Comstock Distance:2 -10 m Min. Rounds:16 Start:Audible Signal Stop:Last shot Briefing:Shooter starts in Box A, back towards targets, hands above shoulders, gun is unloaded and holstered, all magazines to be used on belt. On signal turn and engage targets in any order. NOTE PP1 activate T5; and PP2 activate T6. T5 & T6 stay visible and carry drop shot penalties. The back sides of T1-T4 will be painted white and will be Penalty Targets. Penalties:As per latest IPSC rules. 10m 20m Range 3 5m x 25m Tree Solid A PP1T5 PL1 T3 T2 T1 PP2 T4 T1 T6 PL2 Charge line
10m 20m Range 4 8m x 25m Tree RANGE OFFICER BRIEFING Stage 4: Fun Standards (Paul) Targets:12 IPSC Targets Pepper Poppers Plates Scoring:Virginia Distance: m Min. Rounds:24 Start:Audible Signal Stop:Last shot Briefing:Competitor starts in Box A, hands at sides. Handgun empty with magazine inserted. On signal engage T1-T4 freestyle from within Box A. T5-T8 with weak hand only through apertures and T9-T12 strong hand only from within Box C. A mandatory reload is required between Box A and position B as well as between B and Box C. Penalties:As per latest IPSC rules. A C B T1-4 T9-12 T5-8 Type C
10m 20m 30m Range 5 8m x 30m Tree RANGE OFFICER BRIEFING Stage 5: Flash Forward (Willem) Targets:6 IPSC targets 1 Penalty target Scoring:Comstock Distance: m Min. Rounds:12 Start:Audible Signal Stop:Last shot Briefing:Competitor starts standing in Box A, hands relaxed at sides and with firearm in ready condition and holstered. On signal shoot targets as they become visible while remaining inside demarcated area. Penalties:As per latest IPSC rules. A
10m Range 6 & 7 (Combination) 15m x 13m 10m RANGE OFFICER BRIEFING Stage 6: House clearing (Geo) Targets:13 IPSC Targets 6 Plates Scoring:Comstock Distance: m Min. Rounds:32 Start:Audible Signal Stop:Last shot Briefing:Competitor starts sitting on chair, back against backrest, hand on knees. Gun (unloaded) and all ammo to be used are placed in Box A. On signal, retrieve gun and ammo and engage targets. Steel targets may only be engaged from hang bridge (unsupported). Use key to open box. Penalties:As per latest IPSC rules. Type A
10m Range 8 5m x 15m RANGE OFFICER BRIEFING Stage 7: Mind your Lines (Johan) Targets:4 IPSC Targets 5 IPSC Targets No Shoot 2 Pepper Poppers 2 Plates Scoring:Comstock Distance: m Min. Rounds:12 Start:Audible Signal Stop:Last shot Briefing:Start in Box A, gun loaded and holstered, hands at sides. On signal, engage targets as they become visible. Penalties:As per latest IPSC rules. A
RANGE OFFICER BRIEFING Stage 8: Board meeting gone wrong (Louwrens) Targets:4 IPSC Classic Targets 1 Pepper Poppers Scoring:Comstock Distance:2 -16 m Min. Rounds:9 Start:Audible Signal Stop:Last shot Briefing:Shooter start seated on chair hands on demarcated area, Gun loaded but chamber empty and holstered, on signal engage targets in any order as they become visible while remaining in demarcated area. Penalties:As per latest IPSC rules. 10m Range 1 B 5m x 15m Fault line