Problem Analysis The goal of problem analysis is to gain a better understanding of the problem being solved before development begins Gain agreement on the problem definition Understand the root causes – the problem behind the problem Identify the stakeholders and the users Define the system boundary Identify the constraints to be imposed on the solution
1. Gain Agreement on the Problem Definition Write down the problem and see if everyone agrees Have the customer describe the benefits Seems simple but this step can cause much discussion and emotion
Problem Statement Format Element Description The problem of Describe the problem affects Identify stakeholders affected by the problem the result of which Describe the impact of this problem on stakeholders and business activity benefits of Indicate the proposed solution and list a few key benefits
2. Understand Root Causes Gain understanding of real problem and real causes “Root cause” analysis Total Quality Management techniques Ask people directly involved what the problems are!
Fishbone Diagram Too much scrap Inaccurate sales orders Damaged in shipment Customer returns Too much scrap Finished goods Obsolescence Other Manufacturing defects
Addressing the root cause Quality data demonstrates that many root causes are simply not worth fixing
Sales order problem statement Element Description The problem of Inaccuracies in sales orders affects Sales order personnel, customers, manufacturing, shipping, and customer service the result of which Is increased scrap, excessive handling costs, customer dissatisfaction, and decreased profitability benefits of A new system to address the problem include; Increased accuracy of sales orders at point of entry Improved reporting of sales data to management Higher profitability
3. Identify the Stakeholders and the Users Stakeholder; anyone who could be materially affected by the implementation of a new system or application Many stakeholders are users Others are indirect users Affected by the business outcomes that the system influences Non-user stakeholder needs must also be identified and addressed
Questions Who are the users of the system? Who is the customer (economic buyer) for the system? Who else will be affected by the outputs that the system produces? Who will evaluate and bless the system when it is delivered? Who will maintain the system?
Users and stakeholders of new system Other stakeholders Sales and order entry clerks MIS director and development team Sales order supervisor Chief financial officer Production control Production manager Billing clerk
4. Define the solution system boundary Boundary defines the border between the solution and the real world that surrounds the solution inputs outputs system
System boundary World divided into two parts Our system Things that interact with our system
Actors Someone or something, outside the system, that interacts with the system System boundary I/O Our solution I/O Other systems users
Finding actors Who will supply, use, or remove information from the system? Who will operate the system? Who will perform any system maintenance? Where will the system be used? Where does the system get its information?
System Perspective Sales Order clerk Legacy System With Pricing data New sales Order entry Billing clerk System boundary Shipping clerk Production foreman
5. Identify the constraints to be imposed on the solution Constraints are restrictions on the degrees of freedom we have in providing a solution Various sources of constraints Schedule ROI Budget for labor and equipment Environmental issues Operating systems and databases etc
Constraints Constraints may be given to us before we start or we may have to actively elicit them Should understand the perspective of the constraint Should understand when the constraint no longer applies to the solution The less constrained the better!
Potential system constraints Source Sample considerations Economic What financial or budgetary constraints are applicable? Are there costs of goods sold or any product pricing considerations? Are there any licensing issues? Political Are there any internal or external political issues that affect potential solutions? Interdepartmental issues? Technical Are we restricted in the choice of technologies? Are we constrained to work with existing platforms or technologies? Are we prohibited from any new technologies? Are we to use any purchased software packages?
Potential system constraints Sample considerations Source Sample considerations System Is the solution to be built on our existing systems? Must we maintain compatibility with existing solutions? What operating systems and environments must be supported? Environmental Are there environmental or regulatory constraints? Legal? Security requirements? Schedule and resources Is the schedule defined? Are we restricted to existing resources? Can we use outside labor? Can we expand resources?
Summary – 5 steps of problem analysis Gain agreement on the problem definition Understand root causes Identify stakeholders and users Identify the system boundary Identify the constraints on the system
Constraints Purpose of the product Client, customer, other stakeholders Users of the product Requirements constraints Naming conventions and definitions Relevant facts Assumptions